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Topic Date
Author Last message
What is ur favourite unit in tier 3 ?11.20, 06:2536Punisher1234512.03, 20:13, by killerkalle
hunting11.26, 04:1218AngerKiller12.02, 19:05, by strongy
being a thief at level 612.02, 10:4413#7490Vitzyas12.02, 16:17, by #4201Shebali
what's ur favorite tactic with a faction?11.30, 12:4612Blood2812.01, 04:31, by Black-Guardian
Demons faction topic09.25, 15:49226Lord dArtagnan11.30, 06:27, by #4201aRU
lvl 6 sortage11.21, 20:445diversecity711.28, 15:04, by Sven91
Unused skills11.27, 15:217Lord KAMAZ11.27, 15:30, by #4201Shebali
There is a problem with arts...11.26, 10:024#7227Lord Vonemar11.26, 10:40, by #4201Shebali
lucky lucky lucky11.25, 21:591diversecity711.25, 21:59, by diversecity7
Thiefs11.22, 10:0918Lord Loboo11.25, 16:38, by #7227Lord Vonemar
No news. It's bad or good?11.21, 16:2222Lady Set_Sveta11.24, 23:42, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Morale +2, but it is triggered so often.. is it normal ?11.23, 11:5210#7181h4nd11.24, 07:10, by #4201Shebali
Spawns cauldron11.19, 13:1717sg_dark11.23, 15:20, by yippeekiay
no places for work11.19, 17:3620Lord rashad11.23, 15:18, by yippeekiay
Wizards faction topic09.25, 15:46169Lord dArtagnan11.22, 16:59, by urgone
Knights faction topic09.25, 15:45153Lord dArtagnan11.22, 15:50, by Lord RonSethIronfist
Necromancers faction topic09.26, 21:34113FaithBringer11.22, 14:34, by Blood28
Dark Elves faction topic09.25, 15:48275Lord dArtagnan11.21, 18:17, by chanlebr
Mercenary Reputation11.20, 19:028Planx11.20, 22:38, by Kaa
Changing Battle Animation Speed - IMPORTANT11.20, 07:255Canus11.20, 12:52, by Punisher12345
see this11.20, 08:034odyhunk11.20, 08:21, by Lady misself
BORING!bOrInG!borinG11.19, 19:4912Lord Zork11.20, 06:24, by Lady misself
Mercury11.08, 20:2914Secund11.20, 03:52, by #7181EujinSPb-EN
A hypothesis: Ambush happens at every 10min11.19, 18:013lightingSword11.19, 18:08, by lightingSword
Talent: Concentration11.16, 08:0318Musculus11.19, 03:21, by lightingSword
What's the point of having time limit on merc quests?11.17, 05:117lightingSword11.18, 18:57, by lightingSword
Unfair transfer of resources and gold11.14, 18:0112Matanzas11.18, 08:37, by ipslne
When will these features be implemented?11.12, 01:4126Ruining_Barb11.18, 02:58, by #2302Lord lifestream
sweet move11.16, 18:563Lord jesusfreak11.16, 19:11, by spartan300
Afk11.15, 16:202mandix11.15, 16:22, by Erlemar

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