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AuthorAFK thief attacks
I really hate it, when I finish a merc quest and head back to blooming glade, I leave the pc because I ain't gonna play any longer and then when I come back an hour later, I find I have lost a bit of gold and sometimes have bad luck for 2 hours because someone ended up ambushing me. Does anyone think this is unfair, plz give some feedback thanks.
reduce your units to one man and thief will kill your one man army quickly.
hmm .. better not to leave pc when going back or moving to another places ..

best regards,

reduce your units to one man and thief will kill your one man army quickly.

that isnt the solution to coolsuperj's problem. he wants to not lose gold and not hv bad luck
It happend to me every day, but i think the attack is in first 10-20 sec, so i wait 20 sec and after i close the game
not hv bad luck

he won't have it

he wants to not lose gold

then either don't travel, win or stop the game
u cant stop the game if hes afking without losing, and resulting in losing gold together with bad luck
well theif is part of the game. so to bad
reduce your units to one man and thief will kill your one man army quickly.
this is the best to avoid thieves. You won't have bad luck because you are defeated quickly before you are counted as AFK.
For the money lost, try to PM the thief, ask the money back.
or travel with your troops ready less than 40%. This way no thieves will be able to ambush you
I leave the pc because I ain't gonna play any longer
ur mistake
there's chance to get ambushed by thief
u know that
but u dont prevent that
ur mistake
there's chance to get ambushed by thief
u know that
but u dont prevent that

if u hav 40% less army ready u will not be ambushed
He leave computer but want not lose his money?
This request like someone want to milk the bull....
AFKer is doomed to lose battle, money and suffer must -2luck.
My answer is the best answer for AFKer, still lose but can avoid -2luck.
sure he can keep his army restore value under 40% and AFK, just remember let army suicide before go to travel.
I can reduce my army down to zero...would that not work too????
If you reduce army to zero, you might get some monks that come help you.
ok...thanks for that. 1 hobgoblin to the rescue...lol
Agreed that it shouldn't cost -2 luck if you're afk for a thief or attack or a hunt if you don't ask for an assist.
Tnx guys for all your help, topic can be locked now
coolsuperj u r the 1 who closes the topic lol
closed by Shebali (2008-12-18 16:23:08)
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