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AuthorDragon Hunting Tips
I don't have much time to make this post, but it is about discussing and sharing tips and techniques to use against dragons.

Watch out for dragon breath.

Blocking is the key, each turn, make sure the dragons kill no more than one of your not so key stacks. So for level 8: knights, don't lose your cross bows, demons, don't lose incendiaries, elves don't lose both your EFK and bows, necro don't lose you're skellies or infected zombies.
or you can get inbetween 2 dragons and make 1 attack you so it hits the dragon behind, its a double hit and its affecive at all levels, as you get exp because you initated the attack.
I was just thinking of starting such a post like this. But now I can write in yours instead.

Yes watch out for dragon breath - That's probably the most important thing to keep in mind.

I'm lvl 6 wizard and my tactic is to join teams that have at least one lvl 8+ so that the battlefield is a 12x21 one. That way I can place my 7 stacks all the way in the back column so that no dragon can take out 2 of my stacks in the first round. And furthermore with green dragons, they can't even reach me.(you can also take advantage of rocks in the battlefield that limits the dragons maneuvrebility) Of course this tactic only works if you haven't got any large creatures and you might want to use another strategy if you have creatures with higher init. than the dragons. But for wizard, I think this tactic is the best.

Another important point is that it is almost impossible to win without getting the dragons to fight each other. So I like to leave as many dragon stacks on the battlefiled as possible and attack the big stacks first. This way the dragons are more likely to get in each others way. Of course if a dragon is almost dead it should be killed to avoid taking unnessecary damage from it.

These are the two primary things I stick to and I have had mostly succes with this so far. I am 4-1 with this tactic and 7-5 overall against dragons. And it really pay of if you win. Normally you get over 1.000 xp pr. won battle (as lvl 6 wiz)
I think the shooters are the key ... but they have to be protected by the melee units, but the melee have to be front of them by 2 tiles .. then the dragons cannot kill the ranged units ...
One of the most important things is to get them to retilate against each other (as said before).
This is done be standing between 2 stacks of dragons with one space inbetween (important!!) and then attacking.
Use rocks if possible, and most important, work as a TEAM, or you will lose.
for knights - if u wish to have bowmen\crossbowmen long enought to do some damage it is good idea whit first move of griffins stand in front of them (bowmen) - griffins are fast enough to move before dragons and big enough so will not fear dragon breath, but be rady to loose them soon.
If you position your ranged units in the corner and put a big unit (2x2) adjactent to it they are save as well, since the dragon breath goes always straigt. This also can be used to place dummy units on vital spots to prevent the dragon breath from reaching the bows (or what ever). Finaly always keep a distance from 1 tile to your friends.
for elfs the first turn is easy
put your bowmen in the corner and under there your druids and efk. put stacks of 1 efk infront of them, and unicorn under this all.
your efk kcan move before dragons, move them one square forward and 1 empty square between them. this way the dragons can only kill your 1 efk stacks in first turn, and the turn after that you can do some damage with druids and elf.
1 stack of 10 druids do easy 70-100 damage and bowmen too.
if you have 1efk stack left use it for retail and then attack with efk full stack. or else use unicorns for efk, they are less important then efk in this battle
I strongly sugest that everybody reads this thread before going out dragon hunting!

- Keep the focus
In general focus is important. Don't spread out the firepower, agree witch dragon you are hunting, and get it killed! Tak them one by one.

-Placement is everything
Everytime you place a unit, make sure it is not right next to any other unit. Failing to check that can be costly.

- Don't go AFK
we have seen paople fighting and playing like crazy to fullfill this quest. People are sacrificing a lot on arts and a lot of time. Pay thoose people the respect they deserve by fighting seriusly and by not going AFK.

-wear arts
Yes there is a minimum. But wear everything you can afford. It is needed and you should do so in respect for the others.

A tip for the babarians.

Do not use wolfes as your main attacking unit. That is- switch to hobgiblins. Or else you might lose them before they get the time to act.

Now - lets Hunt!
Anther tip

Send ur retalition unit in between of dragons to hurt themselves and also take retal of both drag for double effect .
another tip:

do not join whit players lower level then yours by 2 or more if u cant kill at least 10-15 dragons yourself
any tips for a level 5-6 elf?
Don't take RoA as a talent - dragons can't be favored.
tip for elves:
-split sprites by 1, use theyr high initiation to move befor dragons and stand so they couldnt hit u (dont forget to left gap for dragon breath)
-also sometimes its whise to protect some alies aswell
-black dragons imune to magic, dont use druid lightning on them
-but black dragons are not imune to magic puch
-it is wise to use stonskin on strongest unit even if it is not yours (but alies) unit
any tips for a level 5-6 elf?
^^ Almost here is general tips.

>>> For DE: Don't forget that you can damage black dragons using piercing magic with new rate: 10%+8%*[Dark elf skill level].
if dark elf i found that our lizies die very quickly so use them for retal and for blocking range
if your elf is without sprites
better team up with dark elf and ask their rouges to split into one and protect your bowmen from jade dragon
17: u MUST bring faeries/sprites against dragon
For Elf(5-6): use 4 sprites, split them in 4, put them in the front line, when start, push them forward by one square and stone your fk/efk.
For DE(5-6): protect your lizards for at least one turn and if you team up with an Elf, ask for stone skin on your minos.
What a Dark Elf cant loses?Shrews of course.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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