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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
AFK01.05, 00:361#7490Lord xXxKratosxXx01.05, 00:36, by #7490Lord xXxKratosxXx
too much AP01.04, 22:223dckiller01.04, 23:09, by DarkSooth
Insult in battle01.04, 16:512Traxex25701.04, 19:12, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
insult in privat mail01.04, 11:242Lord I_am_Dead01.04, 12:46, by Pang
Insult in battle01.04, 11:281Medeawar01.04, 11:28, by Medeawar
marinade in battle01.04, 11:162Lord serega_don401.04, 11:16, by Lord serega_don4
insult in battle01.04, 11:091Lord Black-Shadow01.04, 11:09, by Lord Black-Shadow
Insults01.03, 12:205Lord linkoln0901.04, 07:39, by Lord linkoln09
Cheating at tavern game01.03, 23:305Berserko01.04, 07:05, by #7153Flour
Flood01.03, 19:521#7110sir_Sedoy01.03, 19:52, by #7110sir_Sedoy
Same IP chars , playing in same battle01.02, 17:361evil0601.02, 17:36, by evil06
Insult in fight in Russian international Insult01.02, 11:361sapnov01.02, 11:36, by sapnov
Insults01.01, 20:191Elahina01.01, 20:19, by Elahina
Kaningann stalling goes to the last second01.01, 18:461Roksana01.01, 18:46, by Roksana
Insult in battle01.01, 15:571Liongo01.01, 15:57, by Liongo
Attack on an ally01.01, 15:141kisiel01.01, 15:14, by kisiel
afk in throne tournament01.01, 08:571CaligulaX01.01, 08:57, by CaligulaX
cheating01.01, 05:481Lord great_barb01.01, 05:48, by Lord great_barb
Repeated insults to the battles12.31, 23:091Lord _potter_12.31, 23:09, by Lord _potter_
Intentional afk12.31, 21:241WhaTiSaid12.31, 21:24, by WhaTiSaid
koolkids bad language12.31, 21:061FriedDumplings12.31, 21:06, by FriedDumplings
sliv12.31, 19:211hasti512.31, 19:21, by hasti5
afk in infernals12.31, 12:182elferds12.31, 12:20, by elferds
AFK in group battle12.31, 11:111nookyt9312.31, 11:11, by nookyt93
Afk in battle (Infernal)12.30, 20:361Out_Law12.30, 20:36, by Out_Law
afk-tavern12.30, 15:392WhaTiSaid12.30, 15:40, by WhaTiSaid
bad language is in battle12.29, 21:051Lord Slevin_Glevera12.29, 21:05, by Lord Slevin_Glevera
Insults.12.29, 18:451WhaTiSaid12.29, 18:45, by WhaTiSaid
battle12.29, 16:101Lord STRATEG8812.29, 16:10, by Lord STRATEG88
Staged Combats - imran000 and poppoppopsamsam12.29, 11:142unknown_demon12.29, 14:07, by #7153Lord cantbstopped

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