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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
trying to win by saying he is a GM02.12, 16:142padawan12302.12, 16:50, by Lady sry
insult in battle02.12, 11:041#7705Skyheater02.12, 11:04, by #7705Skyheater
Stalling in battle !02.10, 10:162Lord Erebes02.10, 10:26, by Lord Erebes
afk02.10, 00:081Lord RicOz602.10, 00:08, by Lord RicOz6
S_U_P_E_R02.09, 19:312Lord Kaningann02.09, 19:33, by Lord Kaningann
moki-02.09, 01:0814#414Dan-Panic02.09, 12:20, by Nottingham
staged card games02.08, 07:341Lord Macsek9102.08, 07:34, by Lord Macsek91
Special losing battle02.06, 01:571Lord Satanic_Metal02.06, 01:57, by Lord Satanic_Metal
AFK02.05, 18:135Lord Kusika02.05, 23:08, by #1512Lord BoJIoD9I
Voilation and deride02.05, 12:312Tyraelle02.05, 13:44, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Give battle02.05, 03:481Shaocan02.05, 03:48, by Shaocan
insult in battle02.03, 10:562#7153Vladimir198202.03, 11:00, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
afk02.02, 18:281Lord HOBE4EK02.02, 18:28, by Lord HOBE4EK
Fight tightening02.02, 13:581Lord Med_wizard02.02, 13:58, by Lord Med_wizard
hunting "assistance"02.01, 10:302Lord Gargenton02.01, 10:32, by Lord Gargenton
Bad sportmanship, Afk during the battle - Naveen2202.01, 10:241Lord Macsek9102.01, 10:24, by Lord Macsek91
using foul words01.30, 08:283vicky66601.30, 08:52, by vicky666
AFKER01.30, 07:521Dark-Twins01.30, 07:52, by Dark-Twins
Afk01.28, 14:311#9595Ilariara01.28, 14:31, by #9595Ilariara
afk01.27, 14:361Lord HOBE4EK01.27, 14:36, by Lord HOBE4EK
working together in all vs all01.26, 10:314king-necro201.27, 04:00, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
AFK01.26, 16:171Lord DeasMan01.26, 16:17, by Lord DeasMan
outrage in battle01.25, 16:111VladimirConquer01.25, 16:11, by VladimirConquer
Delay of the battle01.23, 05:216Rnm01.23, 17:57, by #7279GGW
Complaints on intentional loses, staged01.23, 13:271Lord KiLlArMy_Juni01.23, 13:27, by Lord KiLlArMy_Juni
Flood in combat01.23, 09:161Lady Tyrisia01.23, 09:16, by Lady Tyrisia
Flood In Battle01.22, 17:061#7181Lord MasterTI01.22, 17:06, by #7181Lord MasterTI
AFKER01.22, 15:501Dark-Twins01.22, 15:50, by Dark-Twins
lvl 5 lose to a lvl 201.21, 17:221Force-A-Nature01.21, 17:22, by Force-A-Nature
poxy cheater01.21, 12:492yashus01.21, 12:50, by yashus

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