Forums-->Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles <|82|83|84|85|86|87|88|89|90|91|92|>
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use of abusive language | 12.15, 11:25 | 3 | wizardmaster1 | 12.15, 11:32, by  Lord Patrickou | abusive language | 12.13, 10:02 | 1 | Lord evil07 | 12.13, 10:02, by Lord evil07 | violation | 12.12, 12:59 | 1 | Lord _DeasMan_ | 12.12, 12:59, by Lord _DeasMan_ | Sportsmanship behavior | 12.12, 12:16 | 2 | Lady Muon | 12.12, 12:18, by Lord tyrs | Insults + Afk | 12.12, 10:09 | 3 | xms | 12.12, 10:44, by Lord Reyron | Afk and Marinade | 12.11, 13:50 | 1 | TH3_GAMER | 12.11, 13:50, by TH3_GAMER | bunch of staged combats | 12.11, 08:48 | 2 | cyberlord | 12.11, 10:59, by  Lord cantbstopped | deliberate afk by cyberlord | 12.11, 10:01 | 5 | Beryl_The_Great | 12.11, 10:25, by  Lord cantbstopped | insult | 12.11, 09:59 | 3 | cyberlord | 12.11, 10:05, by Beryl_The_Great | marinade | 12.10, 08:04 | 1 | Margorita | 12.10, 08:04, by Margorita | Insults .... | 12.09, 20:49 | 1 | Hypee | 12.09, 20:49, by Hypee | rus in the battle | 12.08, 14:53 | 1 | Lord BuiThui | 12.08, 14:53, by Lord BuiThui | Staged Combats | 12.08, 13:44 | 3 | xms | 12.08, 13:52, by xms | Violation in battle | 12.08, 13:36 | 1 | -COLD- | 12.08, 13:36, by -COLD- | Caps Lock | 12.08, 11:11 | 1 | Lady Kommersant | 12.08, 11:11, by Lady Kommersant | Flooding and insulting in battlechat | 12.08, 04:36 | 4 | unknown_demon | 12.08, 05:08, by unknown_demon | Staged Combats | 12.07, 16:11 | 6 | unknown_demon | 12.08, 03:18, by xms | Stage Card Games | 12.07, 00:35 | 2 | knightknight39 | 12.07, 10:02, by  Lord cantbstopped | Staged Combat | 12.07, 04:57 | 3 | unknown_demon | 12.07, 05:03, by unknown_demon | afk | 12.06, 16:07 | 2 | Old | 12.06, 16:17, by Lady Redh | staged card games? | 12.06, 14:23 | 1 | Lord X-Files | 12.06, 14:23, by Lord X-Files | Fighting with own accs | 12.05, 08:21 | 3 | knightknight39 | 12.05, 09:35, by knightknight39 | AFK . | 12.05, 04:37 | 3 | KaMaZ_ | 12.05, 05:04, by FocusArrow | Insult during battle | 12.04, 23:39 | 1 | HeavySword | 12.04, 23:39, by HeavySword | Staged Combat with illegal mutis also more than three multis | 12.04, 22:13 | 1 | quickuser | 12.04, 22:13, by quickuser | insult | 12.04, 20:43 | 2 | killerkalle200 | 12.04, 21:44, by Lord Jedi-Knight | 4different character but only 2 guy... | 12.04, 19:47 | 1 | cash_guy | 12.04, 19:47, by cash_guy | insult in battle | 12.04, 17:40 | 1 |  Dar-K-ing | 12.04, 17:40, by  Dar-K-ing | Intentional Afk | 12.04, 14:12 | 1 | knightknight39 | 12.04, 14:12, by knightknight39 | insult | 12.04, 03:42 | 2 |  MoxSapphire | 12.04, 05:51, by  Lord cantbstopped |