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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
Afking in demon vanguard01.18, 19:201God_of_LWM01.18, 19:20, by God_of_LWM
bad sportmanship, AFK during the battle- Malekith200001.17, 10:551Lord Macsek9101.17, 10:55, by Lord Macsek91
After Survival Tournament ended, continue st via st record01.16, 23:382#846Antim01.17, 02:20, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
bad sportmanship, AFK during the battle- Roksana01.16, 20:091Lord Macsek9101.16, 20:09, by Lord Macsek91
insult in a fight!01.16, 12:471Lord suigecu01.16, 12:47, by Lord suigecu
making EXP01.16, 09:352Demon-fighter01.16, 10:01, by Erekose
AFK01.15, 14:391Eyjafjallajokul01.15, 14:39, by Eyjafjallajokul
military clan member #395 AFK LEADER says sorry01.14, 16:275Locram01.15, 10:13, by Pang
AFK01.15, 09:062Shaocan01.15, 09:07, by Shaocan
AFK01.15, 08:531-DeasMan-01.15, 08:53, by -DeasMan-
AFK Thief hero01.14, 05:041Lord Kaningann01.14, 05:04, by Lord Kaningann
Afk during the battle01.13, 13:421Lord Macsek9101.13, 13:42, by Lord Macsek91
BAD WORDS USED!!!01.12, 14:262nitin-ani01.12, 14:41, by coolahed
insults01.12, 10:261Lord Macsek9101.12, 10:26, by Lord Macsek91
a player not attacking the other player (friends) in 3 vs 301.12, 09:211Lord niranjan200901.12, 09:21, by Lord niranjan2009
Is it possible?01.10, 14:563FirePony01.10, 15:53, by naapa92
flood in batle01.10, 12:491MaxFry01.10, 12:49, by MaxFry
Staged Battle01.10, 09:112Veeren_veer01.10, 09:57, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Attempt to stage combat01.10, 02:312Ryric01.10, 02:50, by Lady misself
Insult toward clan and toward clan member , Bad Sportmanship01.10, 01:501#7153Clemency01.10, 01:50, by #7153Clemency
AP CHEATING!!01.09, 08:222-Dinadan-01.09, 08:38, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Staged battles01.08, 10:141Lord Macsek9101.08, 10:14, by Lord Macsek91
Osamu - every turn to last second01.07, 14:131Lord Kaningann01.07, 14:13, by Lord Kaningann
The insult in fight01.06, 23:122Lord Viktor_Gor01.07, 06:11, by barbarmy
marinade in battle Unsportsmanlike behavior in fight intende01.06, 15:591sapnov01.06, 15:59, by sapnov
Intentional AFK01.05, 21:192Lord Kusika01.06, 08:02, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
AFK01.06, 03:291mageof1001.06, 03:29, by mageof10
Zeitza01.05, 14:181darmogathel01.05, 14:18, by darmogathel
Insult in private mail01.05, 11:532Lord Black-Shadow01.05, 12:14, by #9595Lord eddyimmanuel
Intentional battle lose01.05, 09:081Rnm01.05, 09:08, by Rnm

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