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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
Delaying Combat On Purpose04.06, 18:454#7181Lord MasterTI04.07, 08:45, by El-Sheighul
faul language on battlechat04.06, 18:185naapa9204.06, 18:26, by Lord susliks123
Andal997 Andcia cheaters04.06, 09:131Unstablew04.06, 09:13, by Unstablew
AFK in huntassist04.05, 17:101bartjeforever04.05, 17:10, by bartjeforever
Unmanner in battle04.04, 16:475Light_Of_Heaven04.05, 03:02, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Staged Combats04.04, 17:371Lord Schwarzenegger04.04, 17:37, by Lord Schwarzenegger
Insult in Battle04.04, 17:114Lord Schwarzenegger04.04, 17:32, by Lord Schwarzenegger
Flood in battle04.03, 15:532Light_Of_Heaven04.04, 07:10, by Erekose
Vicule afk in combat04.03, 19:251Lord InNomineNoctis04.03, 19:25, by Lord InNomineNoctis
Is this allowed?04.03, 01:081Stokton04.03, 01:08, by Stokton
Fixed FFA04.02, 10:034Nullby04.03, 00:01, by #7382DeasprateDesire
passing off as game administration, extortion04.02, 18:402kotplintus04.02, 18:40, by kotplintus
flood and insult in battle04.02, 18:131SmokeGarden04.02, 18:13, by SmokeGarden
instult in battle04.02, 16:061SmokeGarden04.02, 16:06, by SmokeGarden
please, look at this...04.01, 19:093-GGG-04.01, 19:30, by naapa92
afk in ambush04.01, 19:141Lord LORD_Destruktor04.01, 19:14, by Lord LORD_Destruktor
Spam in the battle04.01, 17:492hlop4ig_rus04.01, 17:52, by hlop4ig_rus
Staged combat04.01, 17:061Lord The-04.01, 17:06, by Lord The-
insult04.01, 16:412naapa9204.01, 16:48, by allwayspoor
Intentional Loss, Bad Sportsmanship04.01, 16:172Lord ZenoMX04.01, 16:20, by naapa92
insults in forum repeat04.01, 15:593naapa9204.01, 16:13, by Lord susliks123
insult in battle03.31, 22:142Lord Cygara_i_pety03.31, 22:15, by Lord Cygara_i_pety
afk in ambush03.31, 12:562Lord LORD_Destruktor03.31, 14:30, by Lord LORD_Destruktor
Afk in hunt assist03.31, 10:161GKH03.31, 10:16, by GKH
Hunt team kill03.31, 02:342Shaocan03.31, 02:38, by Shaocan
afk in battle03.30, 18:181SmokeGarden03.30, 18:18, by SmokeGarden
Has substituted in hunting03.30, 10:152Z_e_u_s03.30, 12:07, by Z_e_u_s
afk in group03.28, 20:221Yslaan03.28, 20:22, by Yslaan
afk in ambush03.28, 16:411Lord LORD_Destruktor03.28, 16:41, by Lord LORD_Destruktor
afk in hunt03.27, 07:141Dark-Twins03.27, 07:14, by Dark-Twins

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