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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
Battling against the same player!06.01, 07:111Cempaka06.01, 07:11, by Cempaka
afk in hunt05.31, 14:071hamster-killerr05.31, 14:07, by hamster-killerr
insult and afk05.31, 07:341hamster-killerr05.31, 07:34, by hamster-killerr
Intention time wasting, abusive language and afk in own hunt05.31, 07:341#7705Lord Reaperthug05.31, 07:34, by #7705Lord Reaperthug
he rude.05.30, 09:301Lord guydeguy05.30, 09:30, by Lord guydeguy
Constant flood in tavern05.29, 08:441Lord _force_05.29, 08:44, by Lord _force_
flood in battle05.28, 16:521hamster-killerr05.28, 16:52, by hamster-killerr
Plums in fight05.27, 17:421Lord soap_mactavish05.27, 17:42, by Lord soap_mactavish
Vanisha used 2 accounts on different sides in Group Combat05.26, 08:423Skrivars05.27, 08:49, by EliteIndian
Team up in everyone for oneslef05.25, 15:088DarknessDoom05.25, 19:07, by naapa92
illegal Combats05.24, 23:361SmileyReborn05.24, 23:36, by SmileyReborn
Kannigman help in hunt05.24, 16:538#1209mellor05.24, 17:49, by BodySnatcher
mellor - watch this hunt please!05.24, 16:473Lord Kaningann05.24, 17:16, by Lord Kaningann
illegal combat and transfers05.24, 11:461dimon_vagon05.24, 11:46, by dimon_vagon
illegal combats05.23, 22:091SmileyReborn05.23, 22:09, by SmileyReborn
Abusive language05.23, 11:011Erekose05.23, 11:01, by Erekose
Math and plums in a battle05.22, 10:153stealth5505.23, 10:40, by stealth55
afk in group battle05.21, 19:211SmileyReborn05.21, 19:21, by SmileyReborn
Flood in combat05.20, 17:344coolahed05.21, 12:54, by Dalglish
afk in group battle05.19, 22:492Lordarlekin05.21, 12:14, by Lord IvanBLR
multi & staged combat05.21, 06:431El-Sheighul05.21, 06:43, by El-Sheighul
vibhu_cool2 .vibhu_cool05.20, 07:121Lady NIALIT05.20, 07:12, by Lady NIALIT
afk in saboteur05.19, 19:261Lord LORD_Destruktor05.19, 19:26, by Lord LORD_Destruktor
bad sportsmanship / intentional loses in Rebel camp05.17, 09:012#6629Lord Kevinv05.19, 12:55, by coolahed
flood05.19, 12:541coolahed05.19, 12:54, by coolahed
Afk in a combat.05.19, 10:101lotram05.19, 10:10, by lotram
Bad sportsmanship05.17, 09:411Lord crazyfrog2005.17, 09:41, by Lord crazyfrog20
afk05.16, 18:351hamster-killerr05.16, 18:35, by hamster-killerr
Intentionaly Not playing05.16, 06:234ek_lavya05.16, 18:06, by ek_lavya
Abusive language used in battle chat05.16, 10:545demon4life05.16, 16:28, by demon4life

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