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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
insult in battle, and rude comments03.24, 23:471#7153Clemency03.24, 23:47, by #7153Clemency
staged battle between multi accounts + illegal transfers03.24, 18:321Lord Macsek9103.24, 18:32, by Lord Macsek91
Coolahed afk in ambush03.24, 15:431#9595Lord xxxSaber03.24, 15:43, by #9595Lord xxxSaber
TaQQ afk03.24, 13:321Lord LORD_Destruktor03.24, 13:32, by Lord LORD_Destruktor
Abusive language03.24, 09:161Lord Engenard03.24, 09:16, by Lord Engenard
Administration encourages battle description violators03.23, 00:215Lord CarDusanSilni03.23, 12:34, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
time waste in tavern03.22, 16:0944themassive03.22, 22:39, by Lord Kaningann
The special afk in battle03.22, 18:121Lord Rus_bear03.22, 18:12, by Lord Rus_bear
Bad sportsmanship + Insults03.22, 12:412#4201SwitchBlad303.22, 12:56, by XKnightManX
complaint03.22, 04:321smeu03.22, 04:32, by smeu
time wasting in ambush03.21, 16:501Lady Laitha03.21, 16:50, by Lady Laitha
afk03.21, 12:212Beryl_The_Great03.21, 14:50, by #7279dysh
purpose afk in taverngame03.20, 14:074naapa9203.21, 11:00, by coolahed
massive flood03.21, 10:372coolahed03.21, 10:39, by coolahed
bad sportmanship03.20, 20:213naapa9203.21, 10:38, by coolahed
flood and insults03.20, 07:091coolahed03.20, 07:09, by coolahed
betrayal in battle03.19, 17:131devildiablo66603.19, 17:13, by devildiablo666
Abused Battle03.19, 14:121Lord richies03.19, 14:12, by Lord richies
HOBE4EK - cheater03.18, 17:584Lord Kaningann03.19, 02:52, by Lord HOBE4EK
staged battle03.18, 23:511#7153Lady hpsim03.18, 23:51, by #7153Lady hpsim
Intentional discharge of a figh03.17, 20:222Lady kuzeek03.18, 10:30, by Lady Mohini
afk03.16, 21:561Lord Macsek9103.16, 21:56, by Lord Macsek91
staged battles between multi accounts03.16, 09:571Lord Macsek9103.16, 09:57, by Lord Macsek91
deceit of gold03.16, 07:221kunnal03.16, 07:22, by kunnal
GAMNOED constant fa ck you03.15, 22:531Kymil03.15, 22:53, by Kymil
Abuse - tajfun_strashni03.15, 13:202narutoayan03.15, 13:37, by Lord Macsek91
complaint regarding abuse in tavern03.15, 12:522smeu03.15, 12:56, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
staged combats with multi accounts03.15, 12:411Lord Macsek9103.15, 12:41, by Lord Macsek91
double accounts and abusive language.03.15, 06:451pitaji03.15, 06:45, by pitaji
AFK in battle03.14, 12:331Alex_Hrodziecki03.14, 12:33, by Alex_Hrodziecki

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