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Ideas and suggestions


Topic Date
Author Last message
legendry items.04.04, 14:3312Lord deadlyking04.06, 13:00, by Sven91
new fractions?04.05, 22:346#7279shock225504.06, 00:40, by Zyanya
make going "back" when in chat possible04.05, 13:562ReIncarnate04.05, 21:26, by #7153Elven_Lord
Free the market04.04, 10:354Lord Bloodaxe04.05, 21:15, by FaithBringer
more04.04, 06:184killersolja104.05, 16:57, by #7153Queen_Amanda
we shoot have when we r lv 1404.04, 11:337proboys04.05, 14:26, by #4201Shebali
Upgraded marketplace04.05, 08:423Bartek00904.05, 13:49, by ReIncarnate
mercernerie license04.04, 22:401shock255504.04, 22:40, by shock2555
Fair fighting04.04, 13:006Cloud220604.04, 14:29, by Cloud2206
do u think there should be a lords of war and money show?04.03, 22:462drakelord04.03, 23:25, by #4201Shebali
Make item creation times random03.30, 23:4334PastorDex04.03, 21:24, by FaithBringer
Health Potions04.01, 16:249Lady Lorg04.03, 19:29, by #7181Lord Mr_eee
Loosing hunts03.31, 14:2522#7181Lord Mr_eee04.03, 08:00, by #4201Lord Pantheon
AP04.02, 19:076PaladinforGod04.02, 20:21, by #7181Omega22
Upcoming features04.01, 09:1520#7181Lord Mr_eee04.02, 15:47, by #4201Shebali
what afk punishment do you think there shuold be?04.02, 12:154drakelord04.02, 12:29, by #4201Shebali
Thief and ambush change ideas:03.31, 15:173I_own_you_all04.01, 19:02, by #4201Lord Pantheon
No arts04.01, 11:264hayato04.01, 18:57, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Caravan Missions03.30, 18:1611Kyrian04.01, 18:46, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Theif fights03.31, 15:5912#7181Lord Cascol04.01, 14:58, by iron_eagle
public service map - button merc03.31, 20:235Terengganu04.01, 09:54, by #7181Lord MasterTI
bored with afkers...? or in another words hate the afkers..?04.01, 07:203yusuke14504.01, 07:41, by Zyanya
Pvp guild03.31, 02:215golfmaniac03.31, 08:43, by Zyanya
Market Bidding List03.30, 18:302#7181Lord MasterTI03.30, 20:45, by #4201Lord Pantheon
"Thief license"03.30, 20:292Javi03.30, 20:43, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Who is on feature03.25, 22:295Kyrian03.30, 14:54, by ReIncarnate
Bigger punishment for afk in battle06.07, 13:1862LEVY03.30, 12:40, by Zyanya
Battle Arrenging + Teamspeak option03.29, 17:525Xaiden03.30, 06:46, by Dionysus
Show seconds until next enrollment?03.27, 11:497Chall03.30, 03:30, by Grusharaburas
Goodbye Thread03.29, 14:016Lord Ganz03.29, 21:17, by Lord Ganz

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