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AuthorAP - Taking all characters money and more.
Why put in AP requirement? It takes more money than we have to up keep it. Its making the game a lot less fun with this stupid addition needed. Im sure this is to help get "Donations", but if a lot quit the game.. anyways, the game is fun up until you hit lvl 5. In my opinion AP should really go, cause doing nothing but hunt and "Jobs" just to get back 75% what it took to beable to even play isnt fun. Players would like to save and have money, not stay broke or near broke.
this will never change
I think some players like the ap requirement and some don't like it.

You can see some lvl 5 players use full artifacts in group battle and duel.
I think this AP requirement is supposed to make the game more challenging and fun.
Maybe it is not.
The AP rule is there to stop power levelling and a player not interacting with other people in his or her quest to reach 'ub3r-l33tn355'

Enrolling 1/hr and hunting gets you more than you spend for the hunt battles in durability. If you want to fight more than that, you jst have to pay for it.

Play more fights that do pay you, like hunts and Merc Guild quests and enroll each hour. There is positive cash flow as long as you don't get involved in group battles or duels every 15 minutes.

Just take things slowly and don't rush through levelling
1 how do you suppose to battle w/o any weapon?

2 why you shod have anything for free?

3 It takes more money than we have to up keep it
talk for yourself
what an interesting discussion! :o)
it's unbelievable, how come this thread was never raised so far?!?
Agree to #4 if you enroll and only hunt you will get steady income especially when labor guild lvl`s up. Also in the same time you can do some PvP with min arts - 5 AP.

5 - AP costs 50 gp/battle and with labor lvl 1 - you earn at least 210 (so it will be enough for 4 battles, every 15 min. Then your balance will stay at 0.
ap rule really bad for me
AP rule won't be removed. Please use search before creating topics like this one.
closed by Shebali (2009-04-16 16:10:07)
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