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AuthorJust a suggestion, bout the afk thingys.
Hello, i got 2 suggestions, on 2v2 or 3v3s, why cant we have a Vote system, where you can vote out the afk? To prevent ppl doing it just to abuse the system, we cud have like a Afk checker, where it asks the player if he is afk, and then he press yes or no. That would be one way to prevent afkers and eventually abusers of the system.

My sec suggestion, why cant we have a suicide buttom? If you like, have to go or the game aint working properly (problem with the browser) Why cant we just have a suicide buttom, where you press, and it kills you. Instead of being afk, and destroy the game for the people?.
next time post in ideas and suggestions, and it has been suggested lots of times.
oh my fault sorry.. um i tried once again, lets make a change? Why sitting there and doing nothing? Like 4 of my friends quit playing this game cuz of the afk and long waiting times.
1. The system can easily be abused.

2. The system can also be easily abused.
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Ideas and suggestions".
i have a suggestion too:
a reputation system (like at EBay)
it would just need 2 buttons where you can decide whether to give a good or a bad reputation
and you may watch other players profile and see something like "57 positive votes 89 bad votes" so you know that guy made a lot of crap (it doesn't matter if the guy got the bad reputation by stealing TGI or by being afk or by behaving himself bad)
the system wouldn't do anything but giving other player a general idea of how that player behaved himself
to prevent mass abusing maybe only allow 1 vote every 24 hours
Hmm I am not really deal with the SUICIDE button .. coz we are not COWARDS that kill ourselves when we almost die or we almost loose .. we fight and fight .. till the end .. :) that is HEROES .. :)
AFK could be solved by taking exp. points from AFK player.
- 2 luck is not enough.
How much points should be taken? Average from winner team.

It would be nice if there was another colour in battle log for afk player (pink ;) .
taking exp points would cause abuse, people would afk to lose points on purpose. (exp points are considered "bad")
How about just have another counter on the stats page showing how often someone has gone afk?

Have it increase like xp, etc - when they reach the next level they have a -1 permanent reduction to one of their stats? maybe luck or morale?


level 0: 0 - 40 = no penalty
level 1: 41 - 90 = -1 morale
level 2: 91 - 150 = -1 luck

This would punish frequent abusers but not penalise people who have occaisional poor connection problem. It would also let people see someone else's reliability before joining a battle they are in.
The damage on luck is not enough to stop the afkers, cause if they dont want to engage another fight in that time, they have NOTHING to lose.

I think this damage should last longer, like a day, or at least few hours. I know some people will receive damage for connection problems, etc. But afkers are realy making group battles a crap, and if your connection don't match the requirements, why bother other players?

The idea of mark people positive or negative is somewhat good, but not fail proof. Players could mark the others unfairly. But the game could have its own markers. Lets say that the game put a marker on players who become AFK twice a day (or some) and then it cannot engage group battles till he lose its marker, like a week or so...

More damage on AFKers is only way to disencourage this action!

we cud have like a Afk checker, where it asks the player if he is afk, and then he press yes or no

Maybe this "checker" could have only a button...
Dont you think?
While this may be a good idea...and I support it fully, I think there needs to be choice to leave the challenge before the combat starts, so if say, there's a medical emergency and you have to leave right away to drive someone to the hospital, or if you're feeling sick and you're not sure how long you'll be in the bathroom getting sick or something, there needs to be a button to leave. It shouldn't be there for people to just leave because they don't like the opponents, but it should be there for emergencies, not quite sure how to prevent abuse of that.

I guess adding a button to leave would have to have it's own corrective action for those who abuse it. Perhaps more than 1 leave per week is cause for corrective action?

Someone else had suggested losing XP as a penalty...I should also include losing levels and troops if you lose enough XP. So if you've just gotten to level 4 and you start AFKing a lot, you'll end up back down to level 3 and lose everything else that was gained during that transition. Or maybe we should just make people lose skill points. So they'll be say, a level 6 necromancer that can only have 1 extra point for attack/def/knowl/spell power (other than points gained from hunter's guild etc.) because they've AFK'd so much that they're now a skill level 1. That would be interesting. Or like I said first, lost XP and skill points. Talents should be lost as well. In the opposite order (and at the same skill levels) as which they were acquired.

But then I guess people would do that so they could get their hunter's level really high so they're low on the combat level, but high in attack because of their hunter's guild. i think they should lose everything BUT exp. points. That way, they'll still have to fight others of their combat level, but the others they'll be fighting will have all points and perks gained from having a high combat level. So I guess perhaps the talent wheel should be based on skill points, not XP so they can be taken away as AFK penalty as well.
Or we might have a AFk Stat Thingy on the profile of the player? And if you hit a certain limit, like 10 for example, then you loose exp or something? What about that guys?
"Or we might have a AFk Stat Thingy on the profile of the player? And if you hit a certain limit, like 10 for example, then you loose exp or something? What about that guys?"

Did you read my post above?

As for losing xp, this is a reward and not a punishment and people would go afk just to get xp reduced.
I agree
How about they lose 0.5 faction skill everytime they afk?
more than that i think o.5 is not that much they should lose 2 or 3 points that would stop them becoming regular afker's
1.Number of topics about AFK, please see

2.Administration doesnt see penalty as too low, because you shouldnt impose penalty on someone who has connection problems.

3.If you want to avoid afkers try to join warriors guild or level up(there are less afk in higher levels)

4.Afk list: This would penalise more they people who really have bad connection, instead of "watching TV afkers"

5.Blacklist or reputation: Usually the best players with strongest artifacts would have worst reputation, because the beat you up.

6.Suicide button: Great for abuse by multis on other side + you wont get the exp and sp for the finish of the fight? If you get sp and exp for suicided creatures this could be abused by friends, if you dont, then it is not fair. Either way players should stay until the end..for example to see who kills the most

7.Vote kick system - it would be used not to kick afkers but to kick strong players/ factions..and I would be pretty angry if you kicked me out of the battle.
i have a suggestion too:
a reputation system (like at EBay)
it would just need 2 buttons where you can decide whether to give a good or a bad reputation
and you may watch other players profile and see something like "57 positive votes 89 bad votes" so you know that guy made a lot of crap (it doesn't matter if the guy got the bad reputation by stealing TGI or by being afk or by behaving himself bad)
the system wouldn't do anything but giving other player a general idea of how that player behaved himself
to prevent mass abusing maybe only allow 1 vote every 24 hours

this will not work . It can be easily exploited to join a withsomeone you don't like to give them a negative rating .
down with afkers
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