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Ideas and suggestions


Topic Date
Author Last message
Thief and ambush change ideas:03.31, 15:173I_own_you_all04.01, 19:02, by #4201Lord Pantheon
No arts04.01, 11:264hayato04.01, 18:57, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Caravan Missions03.30, 18:1611Kyrian04.01, 18:46, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Theif fights03.31, 15:5912#7181Lord Cascol04.01, 14:58, by iron_eagle
public service map - button merc03.31, 20:235Terengganu04.01, 09:54, by #7181Lord MasterTI
bored with afkers...? or in another words hate the afkers..?04.01, 07:203yusuke14504.01, 07:41, by Zyanya
Pvp guild03.31, 02:215golfmaniac03.31, 08:43, by Zyanya
Market Bidding List03.30, 18:302#7181Lord MasterTI03.30, 20:45, by #4201Lord Pantheon
"Thief license"03.30, 20:292Javi03.30, 20:43, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Who is on feature03.25, 22:295Kyrian03.30, 14:54, by ReIncarnate
Bigger punishment for afk in battle06.07, 13:1862LEVY03.30, 12:40, by Zyanya
Battle Arrenging + Teamspeak option03.29, 17:525Xaiden03.30, 06:46, by Dionysus
Show seconds until next enrollment?03.27, 11:497Chall03.30, 03:30, by Grusharaburas
Goodbye Thread03.29, 14:016Lord Ganz03.29, 21:17, by Lord Ganz
Suggestion for Ipod (I-Touch and I-Phone)03.13, 07:4611Tymoriel03.29, 20:22, by ReIncarnate
100 time same idea and start to do somethink03.29, 14:062naapa9203.29, 16:44, by #4201Shebali
damage taking also gives xp03.27, 18:2610EgyptianPyramid03.29, 13:46, by #7153Queen_Amanda
change "Create a challenge" to "Create a Blin03.28, 22:413leonvinci03.29, 08:16, by CrossXVamki
Increase the workforce of some Factories.03.22, 23:2641Lord Ravensclaw03.29, 01:53, by Lord Ravensclaw
allow purchase of diamonds with cherry credits (CC)03.28, 15:461ReIncarnate03.28, 15:46, by ReIncarnate
Demotion of levels03.26, 12:1721Lady Tyrisia03.28, 11:27, by Lady Tyrisia
Talent Wheel Changes03.26, 01:1039#414Dan-Panic03.27, 19:46, by #414Dan-Panic
afk03.27, 04:213KILLERST03.27, 05:41, by #4201Shebali
Mercenaries' guild03.21, 14:4212the-barb03.26, 16:54, by #7382DeasprateDesire
Unicode support - UTF-803.26, 10:511Lord Almer03.26, 10:51, by Lord Almer
seperate PvP, PvM and ambushes03.25, 01:3610ReIncarnate03.26, 09:45, by #7181Lord Mr_eee
Simulator03.25, 14:053Lightmead03.25, 17:18, by Lightmead
Group Battle03.24, 14:396Barbshu03.24, 19:30, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Suggestion for chance of finding items03.24, 03:2811#1209Lord Silverhand03.24, 16:51, by #1209Lord Silverhand
Player-owned gambling...03.24, 09:482Beinion1503.24, 09:50, by Beinion15

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