Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|116|117|118|119|120|121|122|123|124|125|126|>
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Hunt Assist Idea | 07.27, 17:25 | 12 | Lord lcorndogl | 07.28, 14:49, by stormlord | Stronger symbol presence with resources | 07.28, 06:22 | 7 | Juregen | 07.28, 13:11, by Javi | auto help system for hunts | 07.28, 00:49 | 1 | Lord lukeman56789 | 07.28, 00:49, by Lord lukeman56789 | Veterancy | 07.24, 20:22 | 14 | Likourgos3 | 07.27, 22:01, by Artamis | poker blackjack and casino | 07.19, 12:08 | 23 | jacjac | 07.27, 17:19, by Veni_Vedi_Vici | Talent 1; Talent 2 | 07.27, 13:20 | 4 | stormlord | 07.27, 13:47, by stormlord | more durabillity to ring of doubt | 07.27, 12:27 | 2 | jacjac | 07.27, 12:51, by Zyanya | Black Background Colour | 06.15, 04:01 | 17 | Kona | 07.26, 21:45, by matt__777 | boulders as protection | 07.21, 22:57 | 4 | trufleshufle13 | 07.26, 21:37, by PeRsOnv2 | Important improvement in Hunting | 07.25, 16:32 | 3 | Lord vato4geo | 07.25, 16:59, by Lord vato4geo | More Factories | 07.25, 12:10 | 6 | Lord vato4geo | 07.25, 13:13, by Lord Xerfer | Chat between partners only | 07.18, 10:50 | 14 | Niklord | 07.25, 09:13, by Lord vato4geo | Attacking | 07.23, 22:12 | 12 | PantherFan12 | 07.25, 07:25, by power9000 | proposal for new rule | 07.24, 20:49 | 1 | CGSMCMLXXV | 07.24, 20:49, by CGSMCMLXXV | Better reward for defending against ambushes | 07.22, 18:15 | 12 | Matanzas | 07.24, 13:43, by Matanzas | Hunter assist block ability | 07.24, 01:27 | 12 | Modi | 07.24, 12:10, by Modi | Hunting | 07.24, 02:25 | 6 | AndyTockman | 07.24, 05:08, by AndyTockman | Unfair battles | 07.24, 02:08 | 4 | AndyTockman | 07.24, 03:49, by Queen_Amanda | Special Class for level 14's | 07.16, 14:02 | 27 | Arjan | 07.23, 07:39, by Arjan | fourm search | 07.23, 01:39 | 2 | matt__777 | 07.23, 02:08, by gurumao | Reducing time between turns. | 07.22, 15:34 | 2 | Barbarian-Fishy | 07.22, 17:03, by Phaddeus | You Have mail ! | 06.12, 04:46 | 10 | Kraze | 07.22, 14:22, by Lady misself | Creature abilities Explanation | 05.20, 09:45 | 4 | Bevan | 07.22, 14:11, by Lord Quzya | AFK: should be punished more severely | 07.21, 14:39 | 7 | evilCountess | 07.22, 09:57, by Zyanya | diamond cost | 07.21, 13:56 | 11 | Cassaria | 07.22, 08:30, by Omega22 | Spells from character | 07.20, 14:53 | 18 | Lord koki | 07.21, 12:44, by drakelord | Additional Shot | 07.08, 16:20 | 18 | ghostzodi | 07.21, 11:08, by Lord Head-Shot | Poker | 06.29, 03:06 | 34 | sanu_panu | 07.19, 12:01, by jacjac | match clock | 07.18, 18:14 | 11 | azabukinie | 07.19, 09:14, by ghostzodi | Enrolling in Yellow lake | 07.19, 00:27 | 8 | Smaskir | 07.19, 09:13, by Darkcanis |