Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|118|119|120|121|122|123|124|125|126|127|128|>
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misclick led to loss of durability of arts, time, gold, exp, | 07.03, 15:58 | 10 | shomfrey | 07.08, 17:14, by  PheonixHunter | Hero fighting | 07.02, 02:49 | 19 | jmen | 07.08, 17:04, by  PheonixHunter | Solo hunt replay option | 07.08, 12:49 | 7 |  Lord DEATHisNEAR | 07.08, 13:47, by Lord abdullah | Pause button in Solo Hunts | 06.16, 09:26 | 31 | Serpentguy | 07.08, 10:54, by  Lord Xerfer | Blackjack | 07.02, 03:13 | 15 | jmen | 07.08, 10:43, by  Lord Xerfer | afk | 07.07, 20:18 | 9 | Hobobob44 | 07.08, 01:53, by Hobobob44 | Counting AP | 07.08, 01:14 | 1 | Farrseer | 07.08, 01:14, by Farrseer | Mercenary level to act like Faction level | 07.07, 19:16 | 2 | Javi | 07.07, 21:04, by Javi | AFK | 07.02, 03:46 | 4 | ghostzodi | 07.07, 19:43, by Hobobob44 | Map Upgrades | 07.02, 02:28 | 5 | jmen | 07.07, 19:04, by Lord abdullah | combat log | 06.28, 07:46 | 9 | Serpenta | 07.07, 18:16, by  PheonixHunter | Suggestion for raising population | 07.02, 01:05 | 8 | XxFaithxX | 07.07, 17:59, by  PheonixHunter | Leasing Market | 07.03, 00:44 | 11 |  Lord Xerfer | 07.07, 17:49, by  PheonixHunter | Money for duels | 06.30, 13:46 | 19 | Nottingham | 07.06, 19:57, by  Shebali | Buy resource from machining and production factories | 07.04, 05:35 | 6 | Sun_Tan | 07.06, 16:02, by  Lord DrMr | whisper | 07.04, 05:03 | 9 | DemonicRush | 07.06, 02:18, by Skunder | more merc monsters | 07.05, 03:52 | 6 | azabukinie | 07.05, 08:50, by Zyanya | Few ideas | 07.04, 20:23 | 2 |  alexbb | 07.04, 20:55, by Lord chakkal2001 | clan tourny | 07.04, 05:00 | 2 | DemonicRush | 07.04, 08:30, by Zyanya | Help in Merc | 07.03, 18:27 | 9 | trufleshufle13 | 07.04, 02:24, by  Lord Pantheon | Leasing | 07.02, 21:28 | 4 | munlax | 07.03, 20:28, by munlax | War | 06.29, 12:49 | 26 | Lord koki | 07.03, 14:01, by ivo678 | Higher levels | 06.30, 20:42 | 8 | qecnepsm | 07.02, 20:56, by Zyanya | Map movement | 07.02, 02:39 | 2 | jmen | 07.02, 03:11, by jmen | Thumbs up/down | 06.11, 21:19 | 15 | Lord Pentagon | 07.02, 02:43, by jmen | fines for afk | 06.29, 17:34 | 33 | drakelord | 07.02, 02:24, by jmen | Tier 5 upgrade | 07.01, 18:01 | 5 | Lord vato4geo | 07.01, 21:05, by  Lord Nebiros92 | Top Clans | 06.30, 16:01 | 9 | Lord vato4geo | 06.30, 20:56, by  Lord lcorndogl | More mining in Yellow lake | 06.29, 12:59 | 10 | Lord vato4geo | 06.30, 15:17, by Lady fusei | Feedbacks and Suggestions For The Game | 06.20, 03:24 | 23 | Lady ViSao | 06.30, 14:37, by OndaNera |