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Ideas and suggestions


Topic Date
Author Last message
misclick led to loss of durability of arts, time, gold, exp,07.03, 15:5810shomfrey07.08, 17:14, by #7365PheonixHunter
Hero fighting07.02, 02:4919jmen07.08, 17:04, by #7365PheonixHunter
Solo hunt replay option07.08, 12:497#7153Lord DEATHisNEAR07.08, 13:47, by Lord abdullah
Pause button in Solo Hunts06.16, 09:2631Serpentguy07.08, 10:54, by #7181Lord Xerfer
Blackjack07.02, 03:1315jmen07.08, 10:43, by #7181Lord Xerfer
afk07.07, 20:189Hobobob4407.08, 01:53, by Hobobob44
Counting AP07.08, 01:141Farrseer07.08, 01:14, by Farrseer
Mercenary level to act like Faction level07.07, 19:162Javi07.07, 21:04, by Javi
AFK07.02, 03:464ghostzodi07.07, 19:43, by Hobobob44
Map Upgrades07.02, 02:285jmen07.07, 19:04, by Lord abdullah
combat log06.28, 07:469Serpenta07.07, 18:16, by #7365PheonixHunter
Suggestion for raising population07.02, 01:058XxFaithxX07.07, 17:59, by #7365PheonixHunter
Leasing Market07.03, 00:4411#7181Lord Xerfer07.07, 17:49, by #7365PheonixHunter
Money for duels06.30, 13:4619Nottingham07.06, 19:57, by #4201Shebali
Buy resource from machining and production factories07.04, 05:356Sun_Tan07.06, 16:02, by #7365Lord DrMr
whisper07.04, 05:039DemonicRush07.06, 02:18, by Skunder
more merc monsters07.05, 03:526azabukinie07.05, 08:50, by Zyanya
Few ideas07.04, 20:232#4201alexbb07.04, 20:55, by Lord chakkal2001
clan tourny07.04, 05:002DemonicRush07.04, 08:30, by Zyanya
Help in Merc07.03, 18:279trufleshufle1307.04, 02:24, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Leasing07.02, 21:284munlax07.03, 20:28, by munlax
War06.29, 12:4926Lord koki07.03, 14:01, by ivo678
Higher levels06.30, 20:428qecnepsm07.02, 20:56, by Zyanya
Map movement07.02, 02:392jmen07.02, 03:11, by jmen
Thumbs up/down06.11, 21:1915Lord Pentagon07.02, 02:43, by jmen
fines for afk06.29, 17:3433drakelord07.02, 02:24, by jmen
Tier 5 upgrade07.01, 18:015Lord vato4geo07.01, 21:05, by #9595Lord Nebiros92
Top Clans06.30, 16:019Lord vato4geo06.30, 20:56, by #7181Lord lcorndogl
More mining in Yellow lake06.29, 12:5910Lord vato4geo06.30, 15:17, by Lady fusei
Feedbacks and Suggestions For The Game06.20, 03:2423Lady ViSao06.30, 14:37, by OndaNera

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