The chat is intended for instant message exchange between players. Its design is traditional and would certainly remind you of the majority of other chats all over the web. Structurally the chat window is divided into three zones - message field, message input line and users list. The chat can be turned off by clicking the "Close" link positioned on the right above the users list. It is where you can also refresh the users list ("Refresh" button), view information about their characters ([i] sign) or switch the channel. Channels are different sections of the chat, intended for communicating upon certain topics.
To send a message, set the cursor into the input line, type your phrase and confirm it by clicking the button on the right of the line or by pressing Enter on your keyboard. By default, your messages will be visible to all present in the current channel, characters from other channels won't notice you.
If you wish to address a player so that he or she notices your message for sure, type his or her nickname into the input line (on the right of the message input field) or click the nickname in the messaging field. Messages addressed to you or by you will be lit up in light blue.
If you would like to address a certain player directly, in a way that only he or she would read your message, put an exclamation mark before his or her nickname in the input line, or click his or her name in the users list (not in the message field, but in the list on the right where all the channel's current visitors are listed). Such message is called "private" and no one except you two will read it. Private messages sent to you or by you will be lit up in dark red.
It is forbidden to insult other interlocutors, to hamper message reading by using capital letters or by duplicating messages.
Full chat rules are posted
Abiding to the rules is watched by the specially commanded
Chat moderators clan.
There are several chat rooms for different purposes, usually specified in the room title. Chatting on a subject in a room not designed for it may lead to chat moderators asking you to move to a more suitable room. Note that the VIP-hall room is designed for global server communication in all languages, while English is the only acceptable one in all other chat rooms.