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Character is your main action hero in the game. It is he or she who performs commercial operations and completes quests; his or her characteristics influence the number and quality of your troops.

You may learn the character information by clicking the Character button at the top menu. The page contains the following sections: Character data, Job location, Friends online, Services and latest News.

Character data
Information about your character (name, combat level, troops ready, mana, racial skills and guild successes). Primary skills, artifacts worn and troops recruited are also listed here.

Work location
Displays information about your character's employment, enrollment time, last job location, owner of that facility etc.

Friends online
The list of your friends who are in the game at the moment. Add a character to your friends, and you will always know whether he or she is online.

  • Inventory
    Shows everything you have in your inventory. Here you can change your character's ammunition and see information about worn artifacts.
  • Artifact shop
    This is where you can buy new ammunition or get information on where to buy it in case the desired items are sold out.
  • Market
    Public trading rows, where you can buy or sell resources, elements, skeletons or anything from your inventory. Detailed information about the market can be found here.
  • Recruiting
    You can adjust the numbers of your troops at this page. The information about recruitment in detail is given here.
  • Castle
    Displays your character's castle and the constructions built in it. Don't forget to drop in after getting a new combat level, new buildings become available gradually with your character's development.
  • Talents
    Allows selecting or resetting talents for your character. Available since combat level 5.

  • Private mail
    Communication media with any other character. You can send a message to any player by means of private mail. This function is available for characters of combat level 3 or higher. The description of private mail is referred to this information section.
  • Resources transfer
    The service intended for transferring finance or elements to other character. It is available for characters of combat level 3 or higher. All the transfers mustn't exceed the rules of the game.
  • Transfer, Combat, Game and Quest logs
    Transfer log contains the list of your character's activity, such as transfers, faction changes, penalties etc. Combat log lists all the combats you have taken part in. Game log records your card game activities. The last one is quest log. Every character has a log for completed text quests: the title and points for its completion. There's a special mark for the quest completed last. Clicking the amount of points brings you to a window with results of quest completion. If the character reviewing his or her own quest log is in the Capital, he or she can replay the quest by clicking "Replay".
    You can take a detailed look at these services here.
  • Real Estate list
    Available only if your character possesses real estate. The link brings to a facility list in a table that displays their type, map location, current balance and name.

  • Last combat
    A link to the last combat of your character.

  • Find a player
    You can find any player with the help of this service. To do so, type his or her nickname and click "Search".
  • Your friends
    The list of your friends which you can edit.
  • Your clans
    Lists all clans your character is a member of. This link also allows managing clans in which you occupy certain posts.
  • Your photos
    Every player has a photo album, that's where players can share their photos during last vacation, post screenshots, etc.

  • Personal settings
    Here you can change private information of your character, adjust displaying of battles, set 10 most used shortcut links. The latter will be shown at the top of the game screen and serve for making navigation faster and easier.
  • Invitation program
    Brief description of how to earn gold inviting other players by your own reference link. You can find out who has ever followed you ref link and how much gold you got from that.
  • Donate
    The service for donating to the game, receiving diamonds and exchanging them for gold.

    There is the list of five latest official game news with the date of their appearance. You can read the full news text by clicking its header.

    Check the game reference list for description of your character's main parameters. Their correct development will help you to follow the planned game style and to make your character unique in the world of Lords of W&M.
  • 2008-2025, online games LordsWM