Forums-->Leasing <|69|70|71|72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79|>
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[Lease][Thief Set][4800 gold/battle] | 01.18, 20:09 | 1 | Lord re-cede | 01.18, 20:09, by Lord re-cede | [lease] | 01.18, 17:47 | 1 | Lord Romich | 01.18, 17:47, by Lord Romich | [Lease] [Hunter set] [600/Battle] | 01.17, 23:22 | 1 | riverwarrior | 01.17, 23:22, by riverwarrior | [Lease] [GH set] [3600], [Thief set] [138%] [6000] | 01.08, 13:11 | 109 | Lord _force_ | 01.17, 23:12, by Lord _force_ | [Lease] LVL 7 arts | 01.16, 11:30 | 2 | Lord IGOR_PIHOTA | 01.16, 18:00, by Lord IGOR_PIHOTA | [Lease][Thief amulet [W1]][360/battle] | 01.14, 03:24 | 223 | Mitashjain | 01.16, 11:31, by Mitashjain | [Lease][Level 3 - 9 shop artifacts][Reasonable Prices] | 01.15, 00:56 | 6 | skyz995 | 01.16, 10:19, by skyz995 | [Lease] [Hunter set] [540/Battle] | 01.12, 16:00 | 11 | FirePony | 01.16, 10:13, by FirePony | [Lease] [Hunter Set] [800/battle] | 12.11, 12:16 | 48 | greatmagenish | 01.16, 07:56, by Lord _ARMENIA_ | [lease] GH set 3200 per battle | 01.03, 15:35 | 29 | naapa92 | 01.16, 07:53, by Lord _ARMENIA_ | [Lease][Shop Arts][Various] | 01.14, 13:38 | 4 | Lord _ARMENIA_ | 01.16, 07:51, by Lord _ARMENIA_ | [Lease] LVL 10-11 arts | 12.23, 13:02 | 23 | Lord Woosh | 01.16, 00:53, by Lord Woosh | [lease] shop arts for 7-8 lvl | 01.11, 13:55 | 7 | Lord truekach | 01.15, 12:15, by Lord truekach | [Lease][3 weapons][4x10][1100-1200 gold/combat] | 01.10, 11:31 | 7 | Cipa | 01.15, 11:37, by Cipa | [Lease][GH Set][4200/battle] | 12.22, 10:11 | 25 | Santremus | 01.15, 09:11, by Santremus | [Lease][BB set][12k/battle][GH set][4,8k/battle] | 01.06, 20:30 | 11 | Lord SEREGA-777 | 01.14, 14:42, by Lord SEREGA-777 | [Lease][Shop Arts And Some Hunt Arts] | 01.14, 09:37 | 3 | xms | 01.14, 13:46, by xms | [Lease][BB set][18000/battle][GH set][3600/battle] | 01.07, 10:33 | 6 | Lord Q_Q | 01.13, 19:11, by Lord Q_Q | [Lease] [Hunter Set] [450/battle] | 01.13, 17:21 | 1 | -AllanWalker- | 01.13, 17:21, by -AllanWalker- | [lease][MH set][2250 per battle] | 01.01, 10:55 | 13 | qio | 01.13, 11:05, by qio | ( lease ) shop arts +10levl | 01.12, 12:25 | 2 | Lord _ARMENIA_ | 01.12, 17:18, by naapa92 | [lease] [GH set] [4500 per battle] | 01.02, 18:48 | 21 | Bodya-2009 | 01.12, 16:50, by Bodya-2009 | Cheap Hunter set | 01.12, 00:00 | 1 | FirePony | 01.12, 00:00, by FirePony | [Lease][Weapons][5x10 & 4x10] | 12.29, 09:45 | 53 | Lord BoJIoD9I | 01.11, 18:23, by Lord BoJIoD9I | [Lease] Master hunter set any variant 2300 per battle | 01.02, 07:25 | 15 | Lord velit | 01.11, 16:16, by Lord velit | [Lease] [Master Hunter set] [2000/battle] | 01.08, 12:54 | 8 | Gargoylerex | 01.11, 15:15, by Gargoylerex | ( lease ) shop arts +10levl | 01.10, 19:15 | 3 | Lord _ARMENIA_ | 01.11, 12:49, by Lord _ARMENIA_ | [Lease] GH Set - 4000/battle | 01.11, 12:00 | 1 | Lord IGOR_PIHOTA | 01.11, 12:00, by Lord IGOR_PIHOTA | {Rent]Light mithril boots and coif | 01.11, 09:19 | 2 | cyberlord | 01.11, 09:26, by cyberlord | [Lease][MH Set][2050/battle] | 01.09, 06:31 | 5 | Lord Reinhardit | 01.11, 06:11, by Lord Reinhardit |