Forums-->Leasing <|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|71|72|73|>
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Master hunter On lease | 03.18, 01:16 | 1 | GM2009 | 03.18, 01:16, by GM2009 | [Lease][GH set][2900 gold/combat] | 03.17, 18:29 | 1 | keneret | 03.17, 18:29, by keneret | Amulet of lucks | 03.17, 12:04 | 5 | Eugenie | 03.17, 15:45, by Eugenie | [Lease] [GH set with both rings] [3200/battle] | 01.20, 18:09 | 87 | Lord PenTus | 03.17, 14:19, by Lord PenTus | [Lease] Thief dagger [E10A10W10F10][1250] and 12+ items | 03.06, 14:50 | 20 | Lord Woosh | 03.17, 10:52, by Lord Woosh | renting leather helmet, reprisal sword, amulet of luck | 03.17, 09:41 | 2 | mega00impact | 03.17, 09:42, by mega00impact | [Lease][GH set][2900 gold/combat] | 03.16, 07:03 | 3 | imz76 | 03.17, 07:32, by imz76 | [Lease] Full art for 10th lvl with enchant | 02.26, 12:06 | 34 | Lord UlfSaaR | 03.16, 22:17, by Lord naviron | [Lease] [GH Set] [3000/combat] | 03.10, 16:05 | 9 | whippets1 | 03.16, 13:48, by whippets1 | [Lease] [GH Set] [3000/combat] | 02.15, 18:30 | 67 | Homyak | 03.16, 12:36, by Lord iPog | Renting MH set | 03.16, 09:16 | 1 | Dalglish | 03.16, 09:16, by Dalglish | [Lease][Various arts][Any number of combats] | 03.14, 12:31 | 8 | Lord Reaperthug | 03.15, 17:04, by Lord Reaperthug | RENTING MH SET | 03.14, 15:33 | 1 | allwayspoor | 03.14, 15:33, by allwayspoor | [Lease][BB set][4.5k][GH set][2.5k][various shop arts] | 02.14, 00:14 | 32 | Lord koloja | 03.14, 07:20, by Lord naviron | [Lease] [GH set with both rings] [3000-3350/battle] | 03.07, 12:58 | 8 | Lord iPog | 03.14, 07:13, by Lord naviron | [Lease] [Thief Set] [2500/combat] | 03.06, 17:17 | 20 | Homyak | 03.14, 07:09, by Lord naviron | [Lease] Shop arts | 03.10, 13:10 | 18 | ---Kira--- | 03.14, 06:21, by ---Kira--- | [lease][gh set][3000/combat] | 03.13, 09:32 | 3 | merlin36 | 03.14, 01:02, by Lord naviron | [Leasing] FULL sets on 3-6 lvl for cool players | 03.13, 11:30 | 12 | Bblkycu | 03.14, 00:11, by Bblkycu | [Lease] master hunter arts or set of master hunter. | 03.10, 12:53 | 16 | ---Kira--- | 03.13, 19:49, by Lord naviron | [Lease] FULL sets on 3-6 lvl for cool players | 03.13, 10:50 | 1 | Bblkycu | 03.13, 10:50, by Bblkycu | MH set on RENT | 03.10, 14:33 | 3 | Konan_D | 03.13, 05:37, by Lord naviron | [Lease][Pit demon`s blade][for Lvl 5+][5x10%][1250 G/B] | 03.10, 20:07 | 2 | Lady Aluca | 03.13, 05:27, by Lord naviron | [Lease][Various Shop Arts][Any number of Combats] | 03.06, 16:46 | 15 | chrisgong27 | 03.13, 03:30, by chrisgong27 | [Lease] 3-6 lvl shop arts | 03.11, 21:32 | 15 | Bblkycu | 03.12, 23:13, by Bblkycu | [Lease][BB set][6k/battle][GH set][3,5k/battle] | 03.05, 10:00 | 16 | Lord SEREGA-777 | 03.12, 05:52, by Lord SEREGA-777 | [Lease] Hunter set | 03.11, 08:11 | 1 | ---Kira--- | 03.11, 08:11, by ---Kira--- | [Lease][LvL 9 lvl8 lvl 5 and lvl3 artifacts] | 03.08, 07:14 | 15 | Lord vishnus | 03.11, 02:32, by Lord vishnus | [Lease] [1-6 lvl ammunition] | 03.08, 10:20 | 3 | Lord aremun | 03.08, 22:15, by Lord aremun | [Lease] 3-4 levels full sets | 02.23, 10:21 | 22 | Lady rudmate1 | 03.08, 15:15, by kilimanas |