Forums-->Leasing <|57|58|59|60|61|62|63|64|65|66|67|>
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[Rent][Shop arts][7 battles] | 06.04, 05:55 | 4 | coolahed | 06.04, 08:15, by coolahed | [Lease] [Enchanted Arts/Enchanted sets BB, Thief] | 05.20, 10:47 | 26 | Anton-55 | 06.03, 23:28, by Anton-55 | [Lease][Various Enchanted Arts,Thief Set][4x10%-5x10] | 05.26, 06:16 | 85 | Lord _force_ | 06.03, 21:28, by Lord _force_ | [Lease] Devil`s axe [I10E10A10W10F10] 1800/1700 | 05.27, 19:00 | 12 | Lord ksodar | 06.03, 21:19, by Lord ksodar | [Rent ] artifacts for 4 lvl to 1 fight! | 06.03, 16:39 | 4 | Lord _GopNIK_ | 06.03, 16:43, by Lord _GopNIK_ | [Lease / sell][Ogre club + Dragon's fang][negotiable] | 05.30, 15:35 | 5 | StorminMerlin | 06.03, 09:55, by StorminMerlin | [Rent][Shop arts][2 battles] | 06.02, 20:11 | 1 | Lord sekoch | 06.02, 20:11, by Lord sekoch | [Lease][GH Set/Thief Set][3700/2800 - combat] | 05.28, 08:01 | 6 | Lord Arnis-no | 06.01, 17:38, by Lord Arnis-no | [Rent] [Various Artifacts] [Few Battles] | 06.01, 10:39 | 1 | Farty_Pants | 06.01, 10:39, by Farty_Pants | [Lease][Various shop arts][Mage and Might arts 4-7] | 05.09, 13:03 | 66 | Bblkycu | 05.31, 20:31, by Bblkycu | [Lease][Weapons][36-50%][1100-1600 gold/battle] | 05.22, 10:39 | 10 | Lord alleroy | 05.29, 19:21, by Lord alleroy | [Lease] [MH Set] | 05.22, 23:24 | 6 | viola17 | 05.28, 22:51, by viola17 | [lease] [bb arts] [2k / battle for 5] | 05.25, 11:09 | 4 | StorminMerlin | 05.28, 11:24, by StorminMerlin | [Lease] [Mithril Longsword] [E10A10W10F10][1250 / battle] | 05.25, 07:40 | 7 | Pablorenzo | 05.27, 14:43, by Pablorenzo | [Lease] [Venomancer set] [6k gold/combat] | 05.06, 15:17 | 25 | Lord v_i_t_e_k | 05.27, 08:46, by Lord v_i_t_e_k | I will lease the complete set of the great hunter on one fig | 05.26, 04:50 | 4 | Velikiy | 05.27, 05:11, by Lord DragonEater | [Lease] [Great hunter set] | 05.26, 00:08 | 3 | Collector79 | 05.26, 10:24, by Collector79 | [Lease] MH set | 05.19, 14:49 | 24 | Collector79 | 05.26, 09:39, by Collector79 | [Lease][Various Enchanted Arts,Thief Set][4x10%-5x10] | 05.25, 08:17 | 9 | Lord _force_ | 05.26, 03:17, by Lord _force_ | [Lease][Weapons][4x10 & 5x10] [1250-2500/combat] | 02.01, 03:34 | 464 | Lord BoJIoD9I | 05.25, 22:49, by Lord BoJIoD9I | [Lease] [Enchanted Arts] | 05.02, 05:24 | 70 | GodMag | 05.25, 13:47, by GodMag | [Lease][Various Enchanted Arts,Thief Set][4x10%-5x10] | 05.02, 14:05 | 243 | Lord _force_ | 05.25, 06:26, by Lord _force_ | Beastbane arts to rent | 05.22, 22:15 | 5 | StorminMerlin | 05.25, 00:07, by Kiz | [Lease][Weapons][4x10% ][1,2-1,35k gold/combat] | 05.23, 18:41 | 2 | _Raven_ | 05.24, 05:05, by Flour | [Lease][Enchanted Magic & Might Arts] | 05.21, 10:04 | 7 | Erekose | 05.24, 05:04, by Flour | [Lease][Shop Arts from lvl3 - lvl12][Any number of Combats] | 05.22, 17:54 | 3 | chrisgong27 | 05.24, 04:50, by Flour | [Lease] Shop arts | 05.22, 15:48 | 4 | Cosa_Nostra | 05.24, 04:44, by Flour | [Lease][Shop Arts] | 04.06, 03:26 | 147 | Flour | 05.23, 22:22, by Flour | [Lease] [Sword of might] [I10E10A10W10][1200/combat] | 05.22, 10:59 | 2 | Hedvig | 05.22, 11:00, by Hedvig | [Lease] [Sword of might] [I10E10A10W10][1000/combat] | 05.12, 14:22 | 17 | Hedvig | 05.22, 10:11, by Hedvig |