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[Lease][4-9lvl might artifacts][Any number of Combats]12.08, 16:041#7110sir_Sedoy12.08, 16:04, by #7110sir_Sedoy
[Lease] [armor] [lv7] [95 gold per battle]12.08, 15:542NiceToMeatU12.08, 16:08, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
[Rent] Shop Arts for Levels 7-812.08, 13:022Lord single12.08, 13:27, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
[Lease][Composite bow 4x10][1350 gold/battle]12.06, 17:365Lord leha512.08, 09:08, by Lord leha5
[Lease] [Great Hunter Set] [4000/battle]12.07, 17:301Lord Kola-Best12.07, 17:30, by Lord Kola-Best
[Lease] [Armor] [lv7] [90-100 gold]12.07, 13:281lakshyaismyname12.07, 13:28, by lakshyaismyname
thief guild invitation12.07, 06:413inferno66612.07, 07:00, by kinggunner
[Lease] [GHS] [4500 per battle] and [MHT] [2300 per battle]12.05, 18:4720Lord EsX12.06, 19:29, by Lord EsX
[Lease][Thief set][92%][6500/combat]12.06, 18:051Lord asasin12.06, 18:05, by Lord asasin
[Rent] Hunter set [700 gold/battle]11.21, 12:3419Skeptic12.06, 15:57, by Skeptic
[Lease][Thief Set][5000 gold/battle]12.03, 09:218Lord teract12.06, 14:40, by Lord teract
[Lease] [Armor] [Steel helmet & cuirass] [99 & 100 g12.06, 12:532lakshyaismyname12.06, 12:56, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
[Lease] [Hunter Set] [800/battle]12.02, 09:127greatmagenish12.06, 11:33, by greatmagenish
[Lease] Master hunter set12.06, 10:442syndrack12.06, 11:08, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
PROMOTION Weapons 4x10% from 950 gold ! (Thief set)12.05, 23:022#7490RADO12.06, 07:35, by Lord Jedi-Knight
[Lease] Armor for lv712.06, 06:482lakshyaismyname12.06, 07:03, by Lord Jedi-Knight
[lease][HunterSets(H and MH)][1300,1500 /battle respectively12.06, 03:571Lord Andre300012.06, 03:57, by Lord Andre3000
[Lease] [Great Hunter Set] [4500 per battle]12.05, 10:1113Lord EsX12.05, 17:39, by Lord EsX
[Lease][Ruby Gladius 5x10]12.04, 14:114Lord motrun12.05, 14:03, by Lord motrun
[Rent][Thief set][92%][6500/combat]12.05, 09:233Lord asasin12.05, 12:57, by Lord asasin
[Lease][Shop Artifacts][Lvl 7-12]12.04, 11:536Lord kanss12.05, 11:10, by Lord kanss
need dragon sheld at 3 batels tomorow at 6am12.04, 21:041RolavitO12.04, 21:04, by RolavitO
[Rent] Shop Arts for Levels 7-812.04, 21:041Lord single12.04, 21:04, by Lord single
[RENT][MH Set, H Set, Shop Arts, Inventory Space][no mods][p12.04, 20:471Lord Andre300012.04, 20:47, by Lord Andre3000
[Lease] [Master Hunter Set] [2047-2997/battle]12.04, 09:044Lord KillerHawk12.04, 14:23, by Lord KillerHawk
[Rent] Thief set +92% [6500]12.04, 09:232Lord asasin12.04, 09:36, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
[Rent] crystallized tears [A10],Penumbral ring [A10]12.04, 07:401GodMag12.04, 07:40, by GodMag
[Rent] Shop's arts+10.20, 06:07129Cosa_Nostra12.03, 22:18, by Cosa_Nostra
[Rent] Mater hunter set 2250 per battle11.26, 06:4110syndrack12.03, 18:48, by syndrack
[Lease][Great hunter set][4500 gold / battle]12.03, 18:421aleenna12.03, 18:42, by aleenna

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