Forums-->Queries and help <|218|219|220|221|222|223|224|225|226|227|228|>
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About labor and wage | 05.07, 18:07 | 4 | bp99 | 05.07, 18:20, by bp99 | how to use the portal on the map? | 05.07, 00:25 | 3 | bp99 | 05.07, 18:04, by bp99 | magi attacks magic without any reason | 05.07, 12:50 | 4 | Lord photonics | 05.07, 13:05, by Lord photonics | mg | 05.07, 00:48 | 6 | grif | 05.07, 03:09, by grif | Any Signs of Upcoming Altz!? | 05.06, 18:37 | 9 | ElvishW | 05.07, 00:10, by Lord susliks123 | Number of neutral creatures. | 05.06, 11:58 | 4 | bbcda | 05.06, 12:46, by bbcda | Leveling up | 04.25, 22:50 | 19 | BitchFAPlease | 05.06, 00:51, by Rendijs789 | diamond vs money | 05.05, 18:03 | 3 | grif | 05.05, 18:07, by grif | what buildings are necessary to fight? | 05.04, 23:33 | 4 | agent_004 | 05.05, 00:31, by agent_004 | about estates | 05.02, 12:23 | 13 | knilok | 05.04, 19:05, by Poison Ivy | text quest | 05.03, 07:16 | 10 | dark tribal | 05.03, 19:32, by Lord Hallion91 | heroes order | 05.02, 12:54 | 7 | Rendijs789 | 05.02, 23:38, by Lord Syrian | access level in MC... | 05.02, 17:17 | 3 | ProSkill | 05.02, 17:32, by ProSkill | Talents disable in combat again. | 05.02, 13:37 | 6 | bbcda | 05.02, 14:54, by Lord Hallion91 | Secondary Characters | 05.01, 06:10 | 6 | Lord nfsu242 | 05.02, 00:10, by Lord nfsu242 | May 1 | 04.28, 12:21 | 18 | bhvynsh | 05.01, 11:31, by bhvynsh | script not working | 05.01, 06:43 | 4 | techbarb | 05.01, 07:46, by techbarb | Potions | 04.30, 02:47 | 4 | chakkal2001 | 04.30, 17:06, by Murali | Enchanment | 04.30, 05:10 | 2 | bbcda | 04.30, 05:12, by dark tribal | Hell fire Talent | 04.29, 17:40 | 4 | yopiwizard | 04.30, 00:59, by _Sworks_ | market | 04.29, 22:20 | 3 | Iranna_9972 | 04.30, 00:56, by Lord Hallion91 | What determines activity of clan bonuses? | 04.29, 19:23 | 10 | Xhuda | 04.29, 19:48, by Xhuda | Should snake coil ring counts as shop artifact? | 04.26, 23:31 | 6 | Majblomma | 04.29, 17:25, by Rendijs789 | how to clear the transfer log | 04.28, 19:57 | 12 | yashu12323 | 04.29, 16:14, by PrettyElf | Is that the parameter of luck increase the damage of creatures when befall luck? | 04.29, 13:14 | 4 | bbcda | 04.29, 13:23, by bbcda | Help me understand combat damage formula | 04.29, 10:20 | 6 | Xhuda | 04.29, 10:43, by Xhuda | Is the reputation in the MG effected the waiting time for a new quest? | 04.29, 07:50 | 9 | bbcda | 04.29, 08:16, by bbcda | Why the orbs doesn't exist? | 04.28, 08:04 | 5 | Zenesis | 04.28, 12:19, by death2all | how to play with dark elf at lvl9?? | 04.27, 10:33 | 13 | siddi1111 | 04.28, 04:05, by DEATHisNEAR | negative mana | 04.26, 20:12 | 5 | a1008 | 04.27, 18:04, by a1008 |