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AuthorCan I Get Ambushed If I Don't Have a Weapon Equiped?
Say I was traveling from one point on the map to another point, and I had 100% troop readiness. Could I get ambushed by a thief in any of these 3 scenarios?

1) No artifacts equipped.

2) At least minimum AP equipped, but no weapon (For example, I have a Defender's Shield, Galoshes of Battle, and Cape of Spirits equipped).

3) Just a weapon equipped, but not enough for minimum AP (For example, I have just a Steel Blade equipped).
yes to all your questions... and it's really funny when you beat a thief with no ap! :p
Ahh I see. Thanks!
You can be ambushed if :

1) You are same level as the thief
2) You have more than 40% troops ready
3) You have no anti-thief mount
4) You have not lost when ambushed in the past 3 hours
5) You don't belong in the same MC as the thief
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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