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Is Dark Elf Still good as a magic build at level 6? | 08.20, 15:11 | 6 | XxFaithxX | 08.20, 16:39, by XxFaithxX | Resources...??? | 08.20, 12:53 | 4 | TheKnife | 08.20, 16:27, by TheKnife | how does a lvl3 wiz do a 50dmg magic punch? | 08.20, 14:46 | 5 | mrdaddy | 08.20, 15:54, by Aravil | gold | 08.20, 08:33 | 5 | pihihi | 08.20, 15:52, by Bladeguy | regions | 08.20, 15:48 | 2 |  Yinx | 08.20, 15:52, by Aravil | hey, what is these symbol mean? | 08.11, 17:03 | 29 | spartan300 | 08.20, 14:50, by spartan300 | Laborers' guild | 08.20, 11:52 | 6 | Gelu77 | 08.20, 14:13, by minotauren | diamonds | 08.20, 13:41 | 2 | Bilbocard | 08.20, 14:02, by Magma_Beast | Enchanters' guild | 08.20, 10:32 | 6 | goldenpower | 08.20, 13:27, by Lord Agelage | selling resources. | 08.20, 12:53 | 2 | teethknasher | 08.20, 13:05, by FaithBringer | leather | 08.19, 16:18 | 4 | shokuka | 08.20, 11:55, by spartan300 | How can I use 2 mini-artefacts for one unit(wizzard unit) | 08.19, 07:43 | 12 | Golem_Master | 08.20, 10:28, by Golem_Master | Mercenaries | 08.19, 02:33 | 11 | Strickout | 08.20, 08:21, by pihihi | Army battle in Mercenary Quest | 08.19, 05:08 | 5 | Lord coolsuperj | 08.20, 07:27, by Lord Agelage | how long do it take for -2 luck to got away? | 08.20, 04:38 | 2 | pihihi | 08.20, 04:42, by Magma_Beast | Rogues | 08.19, 08:09 | 5 | Platanis | 08.20, 04:42, by Juregen | help a wizard | 08.19, 13:13 | 9 | Lord snower | 08.20, 03:54, by sjb50 | Racial Skill | 08.19, 22:56 | 6 | imsunny | 08.20, 01:01, by Knightwolf | wizard luck art | 08.19, 19:09 | 2 | waver2 | 08.19, 22:59, by Lord Lion_Heart | Friendly Money | 08.19, 21:39 | 2 | darkenXd | 08.19, 21:57, by  Shebali | Maximum attack | 08.19, 20:12 | 4 | Lord Lion_Heart | 08.19, 21:32, by Lord Lion_Heart | About when is the upcoming features coming out? | 08.19, 15:49 | 13 | XxFaithxX | 08.19, 21:08, by XxFaithxX | FAST! How I get ''Hunter's Assistance''? | 08.19, 20:25 | 3 | -Slashuur- | 08.19, 20:54, by -Slashuur- | Thief Invite | 08.18, 21:08 | 4 |  Lord Xerfer | 08.19, 19:19, by spartan300 | double tracking | 08.19, 16:59 | 2 | Jafia | 08.19, 17:03, by  DoomNewb | How to obtain elements? | 08.19, 15:27 | 4 | jon87 | 08.19, 15:48, by  Lord Xerfer | why | 08.19, 15:09 | 4 | pihihi | 08.19, 15:17, by  Shebali | hero image | 08.19, 14:23 | 6 | Lord snower | 08.19, 14:51, by Aravil | splitt units during battle | 08.19, 14:00 | 2 | Galenspirit | 08.19, 14:01, by Rayva | Spray | 08.18, 22:36 | 12 | Rayva | 08.19, 14:00, by Rayva |