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Topic Date
Author Last message
buying longbows02.01, 19:147Lord ennui02.01, 19:31, by Lord ennui
Wizard02.01, 17:275Khalida02.01, 18:37, by #7279Lord eviltitan
icering02.01, 16:363Zous02.01, 17:46, by stevelawler
authorization02.01, 16:393symol6602.01, 17:34, by #7153limustudotcom
AP rule02.01, 16:224Obergon02.01, 17:03, by Obergon
abbreviations legend01.24, 20:1974Lucid-Naz02.01, 13:57, by #4201Shebali
Large creature02.01, 13:413TheEvilTemplar02.01, 13:50, by #7181Lord MasterTI
which stat to build up?02.01, 10:4713NobleKnight02.01, 13:16, by F4bz
Dark Elf02.01, 12:027FurianStormrage02.01, 12:31, by FurianStormrage
y?02.01, 12:143Lord hmm02.01, 12:18, by Sven91
dark elfs only02.01, 10:588DivineDarkElf02.01, 11:52, by FurianStormrage
enchant armor02.01, 11:003evil_mimi02.01, 11:09, by Lord Derryk
elf lvl302.01, 08:166unholyknightres02.01, 10:39, by Beinion15
magic02.01, 10:322Zous02.01, 10:33, by LeNgZaISD
Need Info About Lizard Assailtant !!!02.01, 10:0511Lord -Malik-02.01, 10:30, by LeNgZaISD
faction01.31, 22:356necroshade702.01, 07:47, by Sven91
Market?01.31, 19:536Mellans2102.01, 07:43, by Im_a_noob
Enhance weapon02.01, 07:383#7153Lady hpsim02.01, 07:43, by Sven91
Genies casting poisoin02.01, 06:565sjb5002.01, 07:03, by Lady sry
Bless02.01, 06:073ConditionZero202.01, 06:09, by Arctic
about theif battle02.01, 05:163Im_a_noob02.01, 05:21, by Arctic
Dark elf at lvl 502.01, 04:023TheEvilTemplar02.01, 04:10, by Im_a_noob
staff power01.31, 22:549MassMacros02.01, 03:23, by F4bz
About the magic book shown at Personal Info02.01, 02:293RandhyTheDarks02.01, 02:34, by Lord Someon3
primary parameters02.01, 01:593pawelf02.01, 02:02, by pawelf
Basic nature magic or erudution talent01.31, 22:017Lord Ramstein02.01, 00:36, by Arctic
um talent points, and metor fragment?02.01, 00:192Ishaviji202.01, 00:23, by Arctic
hunt01.31, 22:295Lord Edwin190801.31, 22:40, by Lord Edwin1908
Attack01.31, 18:473TheEvilTemplar01.31, 21:57, by Arctic
More damage to neutrals01.31, 18:433wicked0101.31, 18:47, by wicked01

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