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Ideas and suggestions


Topic Date
Author Last message
make talent wheels same cost for every faction10.31, 20:5820StorminMerlin11.02, 10:45, by Arctic
Slashes10.27, 21:566Yahtzee11.01, 04:14, by DarwenAward
Diamonds10.31, 11:526archerblade10.31, 13:04, by Penguinmaniac
betting10.28, 11:5014great_demonn10.31, 09:35, by #4201aijez
3 ideas10.28, 14:408_DarkLord_10.31, 05:26, by Eskkar
Change Lich with Mummy10.30, 08:541darmogathel10.30, 08:54, by darmogathel
afk penalty10.29, 03:072Marketguru10.29, 05:42, by Lord whatabusta
New Name for "[Military Clan]"10.19, 13:2111#7705Lord naviron10.27, 02:16, by #7705Lord naviron
Group battle/duel combination in Commanders` guild10.25, 11:4811#7181Omega2210.26, 15:12, by warrior49
AFK--Unfair!10.25, 04:039Dragoon7710.25, 09:54, by Dragoon77
Machining sell on market10.24, 09:245Lord Jiang_Wei10.25, 00:49, by DarwenAward
Hunt10.25, 00:362gears_of_war10.25, 00:47, by DarwenAward
commanders guild10.24, 20:425Lord Andre300010.25, 00:01, by Lord Andre3000
Additional stats to character screen10.23, 23:277Nutella10.24, 19:49, by ninja9
loan (this thread was created by my main acc. niranjan2009)10.24, 07:098niranjan201010.24, 10:09, by niranjan2010
5V5 battles09.24, 20:5715megaorc510.24, 05:11, by Hellboyz130
Update the regestration site10.23, 15:152#4201Magier10.23, 15:30, by Penguinmaniac
Auction 20-50 TGIs10.02, 14:0316darkelf8410.23, 04:31, by DarwenAward
Capture the flag style combat10.21, 08:5213Lord Shurak10.22, 18:06, by naapa92
add commanderquild on list10.21, 15:293naapa9210.21, 16:53, by #7181Lord marked_one
stop the workaholic penalty10.13, 10:0212niranjan201010.21, 14:36, by moki-
More gold in hunter10.09, 18:2122jaydyn10.19, 00:09, by ChooJeremy
about hunts10.04, 05:155niranjan201010.18, 22:37, by XboxVillain1
more artifacts10.09, 04:562Lord aruish10.18, 22:35, by XboxVillain1
Ten-second timer battles10.11, 05:3913Aazad10.18, 11:15, by ChooJeremy
trivial but very important(TGI)10.10, 13:5230Lord nayyart10.15, 15:42, by Lord nayyart
Mini ivents10.14, 13:243UkrainianMen10.14, 16:03, by Lord Sinigamic
Game concept of .com can be different from concept of .ru10.10, 22:485Lord jrf10.13, 15:14, by Arghmage
Make transactions log in facilities06.04, 22:0151#4201Lord Robai10.12, 22:52, by Aazad
New Roulette Max Bet09.23, 11:4616#7382HunterXHunterDX10.10, 12:12, by Lord chillout

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