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AuthorElixir of Restoration - Price Reduction Please
The Elixir of Restoration price can be reduced so that more people use it and its a win win situation for the players and the game organizers perhaps.

Maybe new price can be 100 gold coins instead of 1500 now :)
I'm not sure how this is a win for the game organizers. They want you to spend your gold so that you feel obligated to purchase diamonds (to convert into gold).

But sure, +1, since it's better for the players.
Rip estates
Get far enough on gamblers guuld and you can get free ones every day
On what exact Gamblers Guild level do we get free elixirs daily?

On what exact Gamblers Guild level do we get free elixirs daily?


Starting from 12 you get 2 free daily restores and then +1 extra for each guild level after.

I disagree with this suggestions as that just devalues the cost of restoring your health. If it costs 100 gold then just make it free at that point.

Added on to that, it would devalue the restore feature from estates even more than what it is now which is pretty much rock bottom.

I'd just love it to not have to restore my health personally but if we need to keep that then don't devalue it to the point of it almost having no value.
for Hapkoman:
How much have you just spent on your estate xD
for merlin36:
Pleasee it was just a coincidence that I got my estate that same day XD

The main point isn't about estates, it was just an additional add to the negative.
So guys I feel we should definately request a reduction in the price of Elixir of Restoration.
Guys I feel we should not request a reduction in the price of Elixir of Restoration.
6. Do not start topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any specific unit, faction, or artifact.
closed by Meshy (2023-08-12 16:11:37)
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