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AuthorUnfair treatment to COM server players
My opponent taunts me after I accidentally typed in all chat. I am OK with trash talk but he proceeds to make racist remarks something which translated into OMERICOS PORUGALIS (sounds like an insult), and also called me something which translates into stupid pendos damn it)).

My teammate, who understands russian asks him if he is trying to offend, to which he replied yes, so please report me to the keepers. He admitted to trying to offend as well as asked for punishment. Report was filed.

Result: No action taken. Topic was closed and no punishment was given.

Next case, I refer to:
This case talked about the bias in the justice system and how the translation service translates "noob" into "fool" in russian. I did not use the word stupid or fool but the translation "fool" in russian was enough to get me a warning.

2020-09-01 18:22: Player was imposed a penalty of 1 gold. // insult in battle, warid=1083750337, warning

The player who reported me was no saint in fact. As shown in his transfer log:
2020-08-31 18:51: Player was imposed a penalty of 40000 gold. // Insult in combat warid=1083489311

He was not happy that I called him a "noob" for making noob choices that could have led to a loss in that game. (we won).

Here was the translation he refered to as offensive:
my teammate is a fool. he doesn't know how to buff a stronger teammate :)

So for say, translate made it to "fool" to which he deemed "offensive" and then reported me.

I then started asking him what is wrong with calling him out for his bad plays and for the reason of the report.
He then mentioned, I refer to line 32 and 33. The messages are translated using google translate.
32~74:[SAMARARUSSIA]: ( I'll be honest )
33~74:[SAMARARUSSIA]: ( I don't like you )

This is admission to the true reason of the report (I do not like you, so I want to get you a fine if possible). This could be racially motivated as I am a com server player.

Topic was made.

Result: Topic closed. No punishment given. I was instead given a 1 gold fine as a warning within MINUTES of the topic creation.

OK, Let's say there is no solid proof in my 1st report where they guy called me a "stupid pendos" because translation may be wrong and he MAY not mean to offend. We now agree that "fool" is an insult and should be punished.

Let's move to the next report.
I refer to:

The player openly called me "stuped", clearly intending to use "stupid" in ENGLISH. Unless "stuped" is in fact a compliment in some foreign language, I believe he meant to call me "stupid" but did not know how to spell / made a typo.

Violation in battlechat: https://www.lordswm.com/battlechat.php?warid=1083960202
3~100:[Lord_Snake]: omg
4~101:[Lord_Snake]: you stuped

Result: No action taken. Topic closed.

If this is not concrete proof that the justice system in com server is BIAS or a lot more lenient as compared to RU server, I don't know what is.

Again, I appreciate the fact we still have moderators in com server who are friendly and do in fact help moderate a dying server. But, I also do wish we can have fair gaming experience. I am OK with strict rules, BUT if RU server wishes to enforce strict rules then COM server should follow suit. There needs to be fairness.

I am open to criticism and feedback. However, lets be civil! Discuss!
This was supposed to be the first part of the post. Sorry!

I am curious about who manages the Justice system in com server.
There has been an absolutely bias in the moderation system. I enjoy the little slack we get (thx forum mods), and I am ok with the delays in responses BUT I do not appreciate the fact that nobody cares about us com server players.

I refer to this post.
heading is stupid , you think if player from .ru played bad he woudnt get same attitude ?
Agree with grif. If my teammate play stupid, I will call him that too. Nothing wrong with it. You can't punish a player for that. Read rules of battles
Aha complaining about moderation and it's not about me. What a glorious day!

I suspect, this is more directly a result of .ru being a lot more strict than .com. I would be interested in seeing what happened if you replicated your posts on .Ru forums
To some degree i agree with kchong. You can cry, scream and yell to responsible persons but if you are from .com you are as good as dead to russians. Insults from them in CG are constant and i have many times stoped playing any paired tournaments because of that. Finnaly we can just close the chat and don't give a damn about that.

Once i experienced that ob russian really top and known player said: ah...english. Goodbye. He went afk, didn't even setup.

But we can not do anything. Just look away and carry on.

To anwser the question who does anything in .com? Anwser: nobody. Only forum is moderated by a few. Nothing else. Translations come few days later or not at all. We have some .ru friends who try to help but....also our .com responsible for us are slow as hell.

So, in the end, we are alone in a russian world. It is what it is. Get used to it.
Oh you posted a complaint on .com? Huge mistake. As i said nobody does anything here.

Post it on .ru forum. .com forum is good only for event topics abd congratulations threads. Nothing else.
.com forum is good only for event topics and congratulations threads. Nothing else.
Even announcement doesn't come on time here (unless its a donation topic), no one cares about complaints.

But I agree with kchong, sometimes feels unfair.

in the end, we are alone in the Russian world. It is what it is. Get used to it.
it is fairly obvious that most of the Russian players look down on the .com players.

But there are some really nice ru players out there too. Point is, just separate the nice ones from the rude players and just ignore the ones that behave idiotic because it's honestly not worth your time reporting them or complaining about them.
Its not always the case. Because generally we are tacticaly better on average(atleast from those who i see playin). This means their talk never have any reasoning and can be easily handled(if want to do that)
For me i have had people talking down on me. And after few turns they are asking me what to do :D
For the extremes - ignore or answer with more savage answers in english :D they are not to be taken seriously.
In the end, we are alone in the Russian world. It is what it is. Get used to it

They lost the cold war against the English speaking world pretty badly, I think we can concede the lwm complaints forum as a consolation prize.
Let them enjoy their small victories
I don't think mellor's points are valid. This does not need to be made a Russian thing, rather I would be discussing about the specific instances regarding players mentioned. But I leave it to the moderators to decide, personally i don't approve of getting offended so easily over being called stupid by another player who obviously does not seem capable of doing much better.

In Kchong's examples, he's posting in .com forums, so the people judging the actions are from .com. So any action or lack of it speaks more about the attitude of authorities who judge these things in .com versus .ru instead. If he was posting in .ru and noticing a disparity in actions taken as a result of his post versus another russian player making similar post, then only I would be supporting mellor's argument. Otherwise it just feels unnecessarily talk that does no good than spread pessimism.

Coming back to topic;
For someone who posts complaints frequently and keeps track of actions/penalties imposed, it should be more or less obvious that .com is more laid back or lax about rules. It makes sense, we already comprise a small proportion of playerbase, so it does not do to be moderating heavily in a place of little activity or going all out to squash every minor offense when there is already so little going on. In ideal world there would be no differences between action and consequence regardless of such contexts, but i would like to share my POV. That being said, I support leniency in such matters and letting adults do as they please as long as we don't engage in truly mean spirited conversation or other actual disruptive communication.
Dont talk much

Just use numbers, and simple phrases to say what you want
If the fellow guy responds well, cool, if not, just play, thats what you are here for

Translating during battle is a very tiresome process to be honest, and after battle, entirely useless
For VV: what moderation? There is no moderation of .com if NOT posted on .ru. You can kill a person and be reported on .com forum and no one will give a damn about it. You get my point?

There are few moderators who are more or less gone from the game. But even if they were active they have no authority to ban someone over insults in game. Maybe .com player but i doubt very much anything would happen to .ru player.

It's wild wild west on .com. I don't care but do not expect anyones complaints on .com forums will be taken care of. Simply, there are no active players who would do moderating. Forums yes but not game. That section, complaints is completely useless. If you want to post a complaint post it on .ru forum. It will be taken care of immediatly.
Just use numbers, and simple phrases to say what you want
If the fellow guy responds well, cool, if not, just play, thats what you are here for

Agreed with Rohan. I think you're getting worked up over tiny insults. I've had a look at your complaints and in some of them, you are as bad in your reaction as the person who insulted you. If someone calls you stupid, don't respond. Simple as that.

From a moderation perspective, your complaints on the .com server are handled by a .com player - Edwin. On the .RU server, they are harsher. So if a complaint is laid on the Russian forums, there is a chance a penalty is more likely to be enacted.

If you are going to make a complaint about a player, remove all of the emotional stuff that you are including in your complaints. The emotion is making it harder to read. This complaint in particular has all sorts of rubbish in it that you didn't need to include - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2792626

If you want to make a complaint, post a link to the battlechat and the lines that the insult took place on and leave it at that.
you think if player from .ru played bad he woudnt get same attitude ?
The topic is discussing about unfair justice system. RU players insults, no punishment. COM player insults, punishment given.

Agree with grif. If my teammate play stupid, I will call him that too. Nothing wrong with it. You can't punish a player for that. Read rules of battles
I too agree with you that there is nothing wrong. However, I have been punished for calling my teammate a fool while RU players have not been punished for calling me stupid etc.

I suspect, this is more directly a result of .ru being a lot more strict than .com. I would be interested in seeing what happened if you replicated your posts on .Ru forums
Guess so. Honestly can't be bothered to translate and post in RU forums. Who knows, may be racially discriminated there. Might just lay off battlechat and stop reporting. Glad to know the justice system here is a placebo effect, just like how you can report players in other games for being "unskilled" but nothing happens.

ah...english. Goodbye. He went afk, didn't even setup.
I remembered once I say greetings from com server in chat, to which my teammate replied something in russian that goes like: Ah a foreigner, well battle is lost. He made a few moves and then went AFK.

it is fairly obvious that most of the Russian players look down on the .com players.

But there are some really nice ru players out there too. Point is, just separate the nice ones from the rude players and just ignore the ones that behave idiotic because it's honestly not worth your time reporting them or complaining about them.

Definitely! I have met many nice russian players but there are also plenty who discriminate for no reason. Might just not bother reporting or chatting other than using numbers and single words.

we already comprise a small proportion of playerbase, so it does not do to be moderating heavily in a place of little activity or going all out to squash every minor offense when there is already so little going on.
I agree with your points. However, most of the reports made are regarding ru server players. It is extremely rare we see a com server player reporting another of our own. I in fact do not report players at all despite the occasional insults and discrimination. However, i find it extremely funny how a complaint made in the RU forums gave me a punishment within minutes, while a complaint made here can sit for days and then closed without action. Again, I agree with your point that our community do not need to be treated harshly over every minor offense. But this has nothing to do with our community, more of the RU community bullying us on their forums. I do however agree that we should not get so butthurt over mean comments. Just kinda tilted I got a warning over calling my teammate a fool.

That section, complaints is completely useless. If you want to post a complaint post it on .ru forum. It will be taken care of immediatly.
+1, agree to this.

Agreed with Rohan. I think you're getting worked up over tiny insults.
I am not worked up over tiny insults. You misunderstand me. I am worked up over UNFAIR treatment. If I got punished for calling someone a fool, then I expect the same for players who insults me.

If you are going to make a complaint about a player, remove all of the emotional stuff that you are including in your complaints.
Not going to argue with that. You are right. I was sort of angry about being told I was going to receive up to a 40k fine or banned. But, if you look at my newest post where my teammate called me stupid, it was clear and precise but the topic was closed and no action taken anyway. So I guess it does not make a difference.

Thanks for the feedback and discussion. I guess, I'll have to

Let them enjoy their small victories


in the end
in the end, we are alone in a russian world. It is what it is. Get used to it.
for kchong:
Although I agree that there might be some bias in punishment ru vs com, I think your way of reporting is also making you look like an overreactive player. Insult must be strong and obvious to get punished for it. Also if your way of communication is provoking tension, someone can judge you as partially guilty and take no action closing the thread. Always better to chill out :)
Insult must be strong and obvious to get punished for it.
So calling my opponent a fool is a strong insult?

if your way of communication is provoking tension, someone can judge you as partially guilty
Not cooperating and playing bad is fine? I am honestly sick of RU players ordering me what to do but not willing to listen to me. I always cooperate with my teammate and am willing to discuss strategies but if I think a certain move is better and go for it; and then my teammate says in all chat Ahh, English players game is over and then proceeds to suicide his troops or go AFK, is that my fault for calling him out?

Again, I emphasise on the point I hardly report players at all in the past although I have been harassed and verbally abused multiple times. The only reason I made these reports is to ask for fairness between RU and COM server justice systems. Please do not misunderstand me.
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