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Authorsir jed knight - Financial assist and/or Multichar management
Character link to sir jed knight:

Other included chars:
HoLyKiNg- : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=5806939
Naturef : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4752348

This story starts with HoLyKiNg- taking a loan:
2014-07-31 12:43: Received 35000 Gold from Antviolence: Clan loan.

Just a few minutes after this Sir jed knight buys a dagger that has been on the market for a few days.
2014-07-31 12:49: Acquired item: "Thief dagger [E10A10W10F10]" [1/12] for 2000 gold from barbossa_1 as lot #66660307

It is posted on the market again for 30300 gold and purchased by HoLyKiNg-:
2014-07-31 13:46: Sold item: "Thief dagger [E10A10W10F10]" [1/12] for 30300 gold to HoLyKiNg- as lot #66700149. Commission: 303

This could have been a coincidence even if it is an amazing timing for everything. Especially the fact that Sir jed knight buys the dagger right AFTER HoLyKiNg- receives the loan. Together with the next transfers, it is more than a coincidence. By this time HoLyKiNg- obviously knows that the dagger is worthless and he should have been very angry with Sir jed knight.

HoLyKiNg- transfers this to Naturef:
2014-07-31 15:06: Transferred item: 'Thief dagger [E10A10W10F10]' [1/12] for Naturef
2014-07-31 15:01: Transferred 10000 Gold for Naturef, Commission charged: 100: donations for #8693 Heroes Of wrath

A few minutes later the gold is sent to sir jed knight. The timing is not because of lack of gold in the clan. At that time the clan had about 50k.
2014-07-31 15:04: Transferred 10000 Gold for sir jed knight, Commission charged: 100: Deputy fee

It is likely that some or all of those chars are controlled by a single player. Violation of most of rules 3.xx.
HoLyKiNg- essentially stopped playing actively directly after this. Therefore, those gifts violates 3.15.3.
Naturef is washing money and it violates rule 3.13.
If any of the above rules are not applicable, the sale of the dagger still violates rule 1.5.2.
Uhm.... Bro if u say that... Our clan never had an amount of 50k as official donations but tht was my money which i kept as deposits in clan account.... And any ip check can be done.... Our ip never matches.... And tht tym only around 9k was in our account of official clan money... Rest was my money.... :-)
Sorry for any misunderstanding.. But i did not violate anything :-)

Our ip never matches....
Even my grandmother could change IPs. Saying this out of the blue makes you as good as guilty.
Player banned by moderator Lord STB until 2014-09-15 19:07:43 // LR5 C&A Finance / Please do not leave comments that are not new additional facts about the case.
Oh cmon.... Just imagine... Man is never too perfect... Do u think someone is too free to change his/her ip whenever he has to log into another account... Ive been playing this game before him almost 3 yrs i played this game and he registered only this yr... Cmon bro... Common sense :-)
Just imagine will i change ip 3 yrs ago thinking after some tym i will create an account :D
At that time the clan had about 50k.
Our clan never had an amount of 50k as official donations but tht was my money which i kept as deposits in clan account

Actually if you add together all the total donates from the date of Naturef's ascend to 2014-07-31, it roughly stands at 51k+ worth of donates :)
Blatant violation of 1.11.

Sir Jedi Knight
#7266 LWM - Help and Reference
#7739 LWM - International Community Council

1.11. Character's nickname should not contain foul language, vulgar or slang expressions, alcohol and/or drug propaganda, insults and racial intolerance. Using a nickname that would trick other players into considering its bearer an official clan member is forbidden. An easy-to-read nickname usage is recommended. It must not represent a gibberish combination or carry an obvious sexual or insulting context.
no charcter is under my control except this
HOLYKING- bought tht dagger from me and after tht he was asking refund
i blacklisted him
check our ip
he told tht he was made fool
no ruls r violated
Our ip never matches
check our ip

It is not necessary that one person is managing all these accounts. It may be a group of individuals operating chain of accounts (contacting via Skype or IRC channels) and this will explain the multiple IP address anomaly. It is not uncommon to practice this in MMORPG games.

he told tht he was made fool
no ruls r violated

Maybe that is your alibi. Person takes loan of 35k, does charity work and disappears forever without a word. Quite strange, isn't it?

They have created a financial pyramid here where they wash money using clan (clan deputy fees etc) or by giving gifts.
3.26. Financial pyramids are forbidden in this game
One thing more I'd like to add.

It is quite possible that they practice quid pro quo system here.

Like in exchange of 10,000 gold the other person agrees to use his/her referral link to make a new char, level up the character and return that gold via game's automatic system (the other player receives gold and diamonds). This new built up character can be used for a whole new series of illegal transfers which would be washed up by their clan money washing system. This is what I suppose happened with HoLyKiNg- char.
for Usbeorn:

U forgot abt prizes :p
Yeah I guess I did.
Before 2014-07-31 there was only 1 transaction that amounts to prizes namely 2014-07-06 15:04: Naturef has withdrawn 15000 gold from the clan account: Prizes. I'm not sure of what the invitation into clan cost is but I figured that it should cover 15k?

And I really couldnt make of these entries:
2014-05-21 11:18: Naturef has withdrawn 4000 gold from the clan account: Gift for new member

The new member seems to be tribal_pride (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=5864561).
I conclude that tribal_pride to be the new member as this appeared on his transfer log too:
2014-05-21 11:18: Received 4000 Gold from Naturef: gifty.... welcome to the clan.

Do help me out abit here, I know gifts, loans, etc of course are allowed but why use clan bank to give out a gift? Its definately not from your personal savings due to 2014-07-27 17:41: Naturef has withdrawn 53000 gold from the clan account: 47k of deposit left which tallies the amount u had deposited as personal savings at 2014-06-14 13:16: Naturef has deposited 100000 gold to the clan account: Personal savings.

COINCIDENTALLY tribal_pride has previous course of dealings with both Naturef and HoLyKiNg-
2014-05-09 11:13: Transferred item: 'Sword of courage [W3]' [6/44] for Naturef

2014-05-09 11:13: Transferred item: 'Mithril staff' [13/68] for Naturef

2014-05-09 11:10: Received 5000 Gold from Naturef: small gifty :)

2014-05-09 11:09: Received item: 'Sword of courage [W3]' [6/44] from Naturef

2014-05-09 11:09: Received item: 'Mithril staff' [13/68] from Naturef

2014-05-09 13:24: Transferred item: 'Steel blade' [28/30] to be returned until 11-05-14 13:24; for 10 battles for HoLyKiNg- . Transaction price: 1 Gold, Commission 1

2014-05-09 13:24: Transferred item: 'Leather jackboots' [8/14] to be returned until 11-05-14 13:24; for 8 battles for HoLyKiNg- . Transaction price: 1 Gold, Commission 1

2014-05-09 13:24: Transferred item: 'Medal of bravery' [17/25] to be returned until 11-05-14 13:24; for 10 battles for HoLyKiNg- . Transaction price: 1 Gold, Commission 1

Though there seems to be no transfers/transactions with regards to sir jed knight in tribal_pride logs but as above posts accused both players of financial breach, etc. And if both players were indeed the same player then prima facie the dealings of Naturef and sir jed knight with anyone else would be the same but just under a different character name.
My apologies it seems I've made a mistake in the dates Its definately not from your personal savings due to 2014-07-27 17:41: Naturef has withdrawn 53000 gold from the clan account: 47k of deposit left which tallies the amount u had deposited as personal savings at 2014-06-14 13:16: Naturef has deposited 100000 gold to the clan account: Personal savings.

should be 2014-05-17 08:53: Naturef has deposited 100000 gold to the clan account: Personal savings and 2014-05-21 16:28: Naturef has withdrawn 90000 gold from the clan account: Donations by Axis808... No personal saving left

and who is Axis808? because it appears he/she does not exist. Another question arises is what happened to own personal savings of 10k? It couldnt have been the gift to new member as the amounts don't tally.
[Post deleted by moderator DEATHisNEAR // Not relevant]
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2014-09-18 01:21:37 // LR5 C&A Finance / Please do not leave comments that are not new additional facts about the case.
Mistyped he is axis909
Nd as he gave 10k as donations.. I deposited 10k and withdrew 100k which shows as 100-10= 90k.... :-)
[Post deleted by moderator DEATHisNEAR // Not relevant]
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2014-09-18 01:22:04 // LR5 C&A Finance / Please do not leave comments that are not new additional facts about the case.
[Post deleted by moderator DEATHisNEAR // Not relevant]
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2014-09-18 01:22:27 // LR5 C&A Finance / Please do not leave comments that are not new additional facts about the case.
[Post deleted by moderator Lord STB // Not relevant]
Same complaint :p

There are 2-3 people involved in ALL this business. They know each other personally and have many more accounts.
The accounts are created, spoilt, left behind.
The accounts that come to the big picture are always the ones which win big in roulette, or have been kept a secret for a long time.

The clan being talked of, Heroes of wrath was founder by Sir__Ankur__ , owned by one of them.
Ankur got real lucky in roulette and created the clan. he lost the rest of his won gold back to roueltte and gave up his character. the rest of the gold he had won, went along with the clan leadership. (basically washed from one account to another)
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=5478945 clearly visible how the gold was washed.

Holyking was the next leader of the clan, naturef was next deputy.
This happened because ANKUR character got in a mess (dirty log) and he wanted the clan to be owned by his best alt.

Sir Jed Knight was one of his (relatively) initial chars which has been enrolling for a long time. he Came into the picture when HolYking char was spoilt too. All the gold was washed down to him through a number of alts. the chain is easy to catch up.

I am certain as there are 2 or more people as sir jed knight is not naturef.
I have long investigated into this and know several generations of these players.

PS: a number of his characters have been blocked/penalized. he often sends gold to empire (much less than the well deserved fine)
Yup, i know players who don't know them personally, who have dealt with them, exchanged chars, etc

Chars are often exchanged among friends hence explaining the changing IP

The remaining gold was then transferred, along with clan leadership to a number of accounts of his
It may be a group of individuals operating chain of accounts (contacting via Skype or IRC channels) and this will explain the multiple IP address anomaly.
It's funny how since i made my last complaint, i was removed as deputy and kicked from his clan -_-
Surely some rule must have been broken :P
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2014-09-18 18:50:51 // LR5 C&A Finance / Please do not leave comments that are not new additional facts about the case.
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