| | 439,551 | | 424 | | 424 | | 428 | | 367 | | 406 | | 367 |
| Family: Lady Katy (spouse) | | | Write a message | Character went offline at 19:55, 2013-06-15 | | » Combat level: 15 (38,459,326) +4,540,674
» Troops ready: 100% » Mana: 40 / 40 » Location: Fishing Village
| Statistics | Transfer log [>>] Combat log [>>] Game log [>>] Real estate list [>>] | Roulette bets total: 5,648,125 Roulette winnings total: 4,733,529
Combats fought: | 11,317 | Victories: | 7,541 | Defeats: | 3,776 |
| Games played: | 412 | | Victories: | 194 | | | 31,178 |
| Defeats: | 218 | | | 49,240 |
Resources | Skills | Talents | Abrasive: 2
Fern flower: 8
Fire crystal: 3
Ice crystal: 3
Meteorite shard: 8
Moonstone: 4
Tiger`s claw: 3
Toadstool: 15
Viper venom: 10
Windflower: 5
Witch bloom: 11
Magic powder: 1
Mithril: 12
Orichalcum: 7
Steel: 34
| Knight: 6 (501.48) +398.5 Necromancer: 7 (945.68) +654.3 Wizard: 9 (3690.90) +1609.1 Elf: 6 (526.65) +373.4 Barbarian: 6 (563.09) +336.9 Dark elf: 8 (2003.53) +896.5 Demon: 4 (160.36) +119.6 Dwarf: 7 (1023.22) +576.8 Tribal: 1 (37.74) +12.3 Pharaoh: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Hunters' guild: 7 (2416.87) +583.1 Laborers' guild: 8 (11844) +156 Gamblers' guild: 5 (194) +16 Thieves' guild: 6 (1092) +108 Rangers' guild: 0 (0) Mercenaries' guild: 6 (1650) +550 Commanders' guild: 1 (232.00) +118.0 Watchers' guild: 0 (0.0) Adventurers' guild: 0 (0) +1600 Leaders' Guild: 0 (0) +80.0 Smiths' guild: 9 (5770.69) Enchanters' guild: 0 (0) +104 ( +) | |
Personal info | Thief_Beware is my 2nd account for fun.
Want to get owned? Challenge us to a 2x2 or 3x3!
Accepting all legal gifts! Do not write asking for gold if I don't know you = mail-ban. I DO NOT LEND FOR ROULETTE. DO NOT ASK.
If you're wondering if Gay marriage is allowed on server:
== HOW TO GET ITEMS FIXED (105% repair cost, 110% for express service, or 115% for super express) ==
To get an item fixed, click Inventory, click Transfer with recall in, type limustudotcom for name, write a 1 next to gold icon, type .01 days, 0 battles, and allow repairing. Done. Transfer over repair cost (click item to see what that is).
Status: OPEN
TheBestMan (active), Crazyarmy(inactive), crazymen(inactive), Crazyguy (inactive) and danthedestroyer (inactive) are my relatives. Sometimes we log/logged from the same ip.
Wig moved to CA and is sharing my network.
If I am traveling the world, or friends are traveling the world and visit me, might be same IP. Rarely happens.
==== Attention Admins: RE Thief Invites ====
Invites currently leased:
Yosei (banned, cawboy TGI lost)
Paracels (banned, has EvilTitan TGI)
I managed a TGI for Cawboy and EvilTitan before TGI rules changed.
== Corruption's End (my estate) ==
If you ever find anything offensive written there, please write me, and if we cannot come to a peaceful understanding--sorry.