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#7671 Bilderberg Group

 8 heroes

 » Leader: Lord cantbstopped

 » Recruiter: Force, limustudotcom
 » Chronicler: Force, limustudotcom
 » Herald: Force, limustudotcom

 » Clan page: http://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=58444
 » Log

This clan was initiated to gather together all of the wealthiest players, those who have significant influence in this game, and many other prominent and brilliant representative Lords. Those players who do know how to make money, how to manage their networth, how to manage things in general.

Those players that keep the economy going, those who have significant roles in different segments of market, those who this or that way can be concieved as the cornerstones and those who can play a major role in influencing the way things go on here.

This is a private invitation only gentlemen's club been created inspired by it's prototype in the real world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Club).

Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum

1.Offline #7153Lord cantbstopped 15 sir Alex, Eastern Europe rep; chairman 
2.Offline Force 17 sir Pablo, Eastern Europe rep 
3.Offline #7153limustudotcom 15 sir Stuart, North American rep; real estate 
4.Offline #7153Lord RicHunter 15 sir Richard, Middle Europe rep; project manager 
5.Offline #7153Queen_Amanda 11 lady Sarah, North American rep; legal affairs 
6.Offline #7153Vladimir1982 10 sir Vladimir, Eastern Europe rep; gambling 
7.Offline Beryl_The_Great 13 sir Beryl, Terra Australis Incognita rep 
8.Offline Lord Apocalyptum 12 sir Albert, Western Europe rep 
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