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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
.10.07, 05:501julewiner10.07, 05:50, by julewiner
Foul language10.06, 23:132Iron_Flesh10.06, 23:31, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Afk during hunt - brain201310.06, 15:192rodney_namaw10.06, 16:00, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
AFK10.04, 21:056#1512Lord BoJIoD9I10.06, 15:56, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Afk10.04, 15:402Lord Master_of_love10.06, 15:24, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
unknown language10.06, 13:352Lord great_barb10.06, 14:59, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
false ip adress10.06, 13:442julewiner10.06, 14:57, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
FALSE10.06, 13:462Darkrail10.06, 14:56, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
insults in battle - Shad3GFX10.05, 17:572rodney_namaw10.05, 18:39, by Margorita
Afk during hunt help10.05, 14:111rodney_namaw10.05, 14:11, by rodney_namaw
AFK10.03, 17:242Lord Dart_huntet10.04, 05:52, by Lord kanss
AFK Geboss10.03, 16:061Illeon10.03, 16:06, by Illeon
Insult in the battle10.03, 15:121Al_Gore10.03, 15:12, by Al_Gore
Fight plums10.03, 13:031Lord Jhonson10.03, 13:03, by Lord Jhonson
staged combats10.03, 07:264cyberlord10.03, 08:02, by chernoy
Fight plums10.03, 07:162Chumak210.03, 07:16, by Chumak2
my teammate atked me10.02, 08:041AlekKir10.02, 08:04, by AlekKir
intentional afk10.01, 13:561#7705-_NO--NAME_-10.01, 13:56, by #7705-_NO--NAME_-
battlechat flood10.01, 02:342Taldaram10.01, 04:38, by Lord kanss
attack on an assistant in the hunt09.30, 14:411Jim_Morrison09.30, 14:41, by Jim_Morrison
attack on an assistant in the hunt09.30, 14:242Lord l-_-l09.30, 14:26, by naapa92
Intentional afk09.27, 17:174BayushiHirose09.30, 13:56, by Lord Makkadihm
Intentional afkers09.28, 09:211angeleyes8109.28, 09:21, by angeleyes81
Badsportsmanship09.27, 13:411HappyButcher09.27, 13:41, by HappyButcher
afk09.24, 18:075Lord Mr-X-09.26, 16:24, by coolahed
Insults/explicit lyrics09.26, 09:251Lord Hagakure09.26, 09:25, by Lord Hagakure
Insults09.23, 14:211coolahed09.23, 14:21, by coolahed
intentional delaying of a combat09.22, 07:142#7153Lord cantbstopped09.22, 11:45, by Lord whatabusta
Tavern insults09.20, 23:383Nullby09.21, 00:15, by Lord Grunge
intentional afk09.20, 15:581ShosuroDazai09.20, 15:58, by ShosuroDazai

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