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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
staged combats06.05, 16:311Lord Macsek9106.05, 16:31, by Lord Macsek91
2 vs 106.05, 10:442Okaya06.05, 15:22, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Staged combats between unsigned multi accounts06.05, 14:051#7490Lord spicydevil06.05, 14:05, by #7490Lord spicydevil
afk in combat06.05, 12:031_O_o_O_06.05, 12:03, by _O_o_O_
Flood and dad words in combat.06.05, 09:352Lord Chapayev06.05, 09:37, by Lord Chapayev
insulting and afk at hunt help06.02, 16:131karamba06.02, 16:13, by karamba
afk in hunt06.02, 11:531Lord dogegs206.02, 11:53, by Lord dogegs2
stood in the battle05.31, 19:231TRYMB05.31, 19:23, by TRYMB
Max ap in min ap battles05.31, 14:032_O_o_O_05.31, 14:06, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
ZGM afk05.31, 12:051El-Sheighul05.31, 12:05, by El-Sheighul
afk in ambush05.31, 11:351GKH05.31, 11:35, by GKH
Abuse in battle05.31, 09:171BialySmok05.31, 09:17, by BialySmok
Bad sportsmanship05.30, 15:051Wait_for_me_now05.30, 15:05, by Wait_for_me_now
staged combats05.29, 17:482DwarvenBro05.29, 17:54, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
staged combats05.29, 13:291Lord Macsek9105.29, 13:29, by Lord Macsek91
intended afk05.29, 12:061Lady -Nemezida-05.29, 12:06, by Lady -Nemezida-
afk in tg05.29, 11:171Sion05.29, 11:17, by Sion
wasting time05.28, 07:351Small_Beast05.28, 07:35, by Small_Beast
Intentional AFK player Eleph05.27, 09:041#9595Lord Patrickou05.27, 09:04, by #9595Lord Patrickou
Khellendros afk05.26, 09:511El-Sheighul05.26, 09:51, by El-Sheighul
AFK in GB05.26, 07:421Lord Borec105.26, 07:42, by Lord Borec1
staged battle05.26, 04:411Ingarian05.26, 04:41, by Ingarian
staged battle05.25, 20:191Ingarian05.25, 20:19, by Ingarian
abusive language05.25, 12:012savit12305.25, 12:01, by savit123
Insult05.25, 08:213W1thOutBra1n05.25, 08:39, by Lord DirtyManiac
staged combats05.25, 08:081Lord Macsek9105.25, 08:08, by Lord Macsek91
Insult05.24, 19:021deadly-poison05.24, 19:02, by deadly-poison
staged combats05.24, 14:211Lord Macsek9105.24, 14:21, by Lord Macsek91
afk in hunt05.23, 20:094agent_00405.23, 22:11, by Erekose
AFK in hunt05.23, 19:141Lord Borec105.23, 19:14, by Lord Borec1

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