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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
contractual having merged fight08.27, 07:221Lord Sturmovik08.27, 07:22, by Lord Sturmovik
insults08.26, 10:141-lord-of-war-08.26, 10:14, by -lord-of-war-
Where is the justice08.26, 09:052Lord Morderca08.26, 09:14, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Player Morderca ( old acount Kaningann - blocked )08.26, 08:341Nottingham08.26, 08:34, by Nottingham
violating rules08.26, 08:173BlOoDyBoY6908.26, 08:29, by Lord SpeedOfSound
morderca swearing in foreign language - battle08.26, 08:192Nottingham08.26, 08:20, by Nottingham
Insulting08.24, 16:331Lord Borec108.24, 16:33, by Lord Borec1
Insult in Tavern Game08.22, 16:211Lady Shiori08.22, 16:21, by Lady Shiori
Swore in pm08.22, 07:292Hells-Demon08.22, 10:10, by ElfPride
Probably an afk08.22, 09:231Non_Wizard08.22, 09:23, by Non_Wizard
afk in a battle08.22, 04:361Lord Rufus0708.22, 04:36, by Lord Rufus07
abusive language08.21, 20:301Lord Geofizik08.21, 20:30, by Lord Geofizik
Ambush me but AFK08.21, 20:191Lord Silverrain08.21, 20:19, by Lord Silverrain
afk in hunt08.21, 14:161Lord Schwarzenegger08.21, 14:16, by Lord Schwarzenegger
saying fool words in the combat03.18, 15:254Romiah08.20, 16:01, by #7153Queen_Amanda
foul language03.21, 12:393mixedtactics08.20, 15:55, by #7153Queen_Amanda
afk in tavern08.20, 08:282Lord WarriorDuke08.20, 10:21, by Lord WarriorDuke
No rules commiting08.18, 11:252Lord BaNZeR08.18, 12:01, by Lord Edwin1908
I was insulted by another player08.18, 05:371EligibleSquash08.18, 05:37, by EligibleSquash
abusive language08.18, 05:042Lord WarriorDuke08.18, 05:04, by Lord WarriorDuke
vulgar language08.17, 12:031Lord Macsek9108.17, 12:03, by Lord Macsek91
2v2 both players afk08.17, 11:061DualSwordx08.17, 11:06, by DualSwordx
Insult08.15, 08:2810Lord _Vitalik_08.15, 13:16, by Lord _Vitalik_
AFK in ambush08.15, 05:121Lord togort08.15, 05:12, by Lord togort
Intentional Afk in duel08.11, 19:151#7490Jassi08.11, 19:15, by #7490Jassi
Insults08.11, 18:381Lord Borec108.11, 18:38, by Lord Borec1
AFK in hunt08.11, 11:001Lisbon08.11, 11:00, by Lisbon
Intentional AFK in the tavern08.10, 08:481Lord BoB-SR08.10, 08:48, by Lord BoB-SR
min art thief afk'd vs full art victim08.08, 00:383Lord selfist08.08, 06:30, by GeraldTarrant
afk wasted my time08.07, 15:231huntingroulette08.07, 15:23, by huntingroulette

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