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Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles


Topic Date
Author Last message
Swearing during Battle - deathfromabove08.30, 23:391Noxous08.30, 23:39, by Noxous
swearing08.30, 16:273The__Barbarian08.30, 17:22, by Lord Edwin1908
Insulting in battle chat08.30, 11:401Lord Almer08.30, 11:40, by Lord Almer
Insulting in battle chat08.30, 10:222#7181Lord Valgard08.30, 10:41, by Germanius741852
Plums08.30, 07:582_Alina_08.30, 10:08, by #7365Lord Kotrin
asking for my alt password offers gold for it08.30, 09:222Lord Edwin190808.30, 10:06, by #7365Lord Kotrin
annoying flooding in tavern game08.29, 18:091#7490MKF08.29, 18:09, by #7490MKF
try to get password with illegal multi...08.29, 09:201Zarebrant08.29, 09:20, by Zarebrant
Insulting Language08.29, 04:532Lord Jum08.29, 04:54, by Lord Bazza
Intentional AFK - FastGambler198008.29, 03:281Lady ViSao08.29, 03:28, by Lady ViSao
"noobing" me for not giving passwword =)08.28, 11:281Zarebrant08.28, 11:28, by Zarebrant
Intentional AFK08.28, 07:192Lord Adein08.28, 07:21, by Lord Adein
insults in battle08.27, 22:062Wizard5408.27, 23:02, by Zyanya
flooding in chat and insulting08.27, 22:221arzillo08.27, 22:22, by arzillo
Shouting and vulgarities in Battle - toster and Rolars08.27, 13:421Lady Takesister08.27, 13:42, by Lady Takesister
Insults in battle08.27, 12:561Lord Tsedar08.27, 12:56, by Lord Tsedar
darkmalkesh08.26, 14:582Lord olegman08.26, 15:30, by #7365Lord Kotrin
This player pretended to be afk08.26, 13:141RandhyWang08.26, 13:14, by RandhyWang
Series of staged duels08.25, 13:091arzillo08.25, 13:09, by arzillo
Intentional afk08.24, 21:111DonTheoden08.24, 21:11, by DonTheoden
Intentional AFK08.23, 11:412R_HAUER08.23, 23:48, by Zyanya
Flooding in Battle Chat08.23, 17:531Setsudren08.23, 17:53, by Setsudren
Intentional AFK08.23, 15:593Wimp08.23, 15:59, by Wimp
Intentional afk - GIORGOSD08.23, 14:381hiddenshadow08.23, 14:38, by hiddenshadow
Intentional AFK - tomek-vir08.23, 07:102Lady misself08.23, 09:47, by Lady misself
Do not ignore08.23, 03:283Lady burn_baby_burn08.23, 04:57, by Zyanya
look how this dark elf and necro increase their xp08.22, 08:124weah0908.22, 08:41, by dziadu
bad sportsmanship08.21, 21:001Lady Katy08.21, 21:00, by Lady Katy
Wizard Noob AFK in Trief08.21, 19:355yndia08.21, 20:06, by #7365dogknght9
staged ffa08.21, 19:164Lord waric08.21, 19:49, by #7181Omega22

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