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Local Rules | 01.17, 21:13 | 1 | Arctic | 01.17, 21:13, by Arctic | [Buy] [1% estate licenses Portal Ruins][43.000 gold/each] | 11.02, 14:50 | 1 | Elrond | 11.02, 14:50, by Elrond | [Sell][Thief Invitation][600.000] | 10.24, 14:03 | 1 | Cerise | 10.24, 14:03, by Cerise | [Buy] [1% estate license Portal Ruins][41.000 gold/each] | 09.30, 21:25 | 3 | Elrond | 10.04, 15:40, by Elrond | [Buy] [1% estate licence for portal runs] | 08.01, 21:59 | 2 | Lord MilesTeg | 08.02, 13:23, by Lord MilesTeg | [Service][30k per month for active Warlord] | 06.24, 22:48 | 2 | Elrond | 06.26, 12:16, by Elrond | [Buyl][Thief Invitation] | 03.03, 22:49 | 1 | Rimasenok | 03.03, 22:49, by Rimasenok | Selling Elements in Bulk | 02.29, 20:16 | 2 | one_by_zero | 03.01, 11:02, by one_by_zero | [Sell][Thief Invitation][500.000] | 01.17, 04:20 | 1 | JustTunaaaa | 01.17, 04:20, by JustTunaaaa | [Service][Roasting/Trolling] | 11.23, 08:40 | 3 | Marco Reus | 11.25, 08:04, by Marco Reus | need to sell all of my elements | 11.21, 11:26 | 1 | Elden Lord | 11.21, 11:26, by Elden Lord | [Service][Cashback for buying from production facility][200 gold/item] | 11.03, 13:09 | 1 | Elrond | 11.03, 13:09, by Elrond | Buy elements | 09.18, 14:18 | 2 | slayerofall | 09.20, 07:19, by slayerofall | [Sell][Thief Invitation][575000] | 09.13, 13:03 | 1 | -_NO--NAME_- | 09.13, 13:03, by -_NO--NAME_- | [Buy] East River Estate 10M Gold | 08.02, 06:09 | 1 | Zoro | 08.02, 06:09, by Zoro | [Buy][Thief Invitation for 505k | 05.24, 17:10 | 2 | Alyar | 05.25, 09:54, by Alyar | [Service][Avatars] | 05.14, 17:56 | 1 | ChaosCrash13 | 05.14, 17:56, by ChaosCrash13 | [Buy] [1% Estate Licences of Portal Ruins] [30-32k] | 03.09, 14:14 | 1 | MrBattleControl | 03.09, 14:14, by MrBattleControl | [Sell][Elements] | 03.05, 22:22 | 1 | ChaosCrash13 | 03.05, 22:22, by ChaosCrash13 | [Buy] Magma Helmet Part [10000] | 02.23, 12:56 | 1 | Ïàáëî Ýñêîáàð | 02.23, 12:56, by Ïàáëî Ýñêîáàð | [Buy]Magma Armor Part][10000] | 02.18, 20:10 | 1 | iwinulose | 02.18, 20:10, by iwinulose | Buy East River Licenses 75K each | 01.23, 21:06 | 2 | Leander | 01.25, 20:11, by Leander | [Sell][TGI][515k][Negotiable] | 01.24, 13:29 | 1 | HammerGoddess | 01.24, 13:29, by HammerGoddess | [Lease][inventory space][10g per art per day] | 01.08, 04:21 | 1 | Red Fox | 01.08, 04:21, by Red Fox | [Buy][Heaven staff parts][10.000 ea] | 10.02, 23:29 | 1 | Arcanide | 10.02, 23:29, by Arcanide | [Buy][TGI for 475k] | 09.27, 14:04 | 1 | Macware1 | 09.27, 14:04, by Macware1 | [Sell][TGI][480k] | 04.08, 23:28 | 1 | Mitashjj | 04.08, 23:28, by Mitashjj | [Buy][Estate licences 1%][27.5k] | 03.25, 19:38 | 1 | Mitashjj | 03.25, 19:38, by Mitashjj | [Exchange] Eagle Nest 2% to Great Wall 2% | 03.14, 02:10 | 1 | jayjay1231 | 03.14, 02:10, by jayjay1231 | [Sell][TGI][480k-485k] | 03.06, 18:34 | 1 | Lord Armenia | 03.06, 18:34, by Lord Armenia |