Forums-->Creative works <|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|>
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My mom left the door open (we live in hell) | 08.25, 10:53 | 19 | tupeorpesadilla | 07.10, 09:23, by Lady Straws | Create a Faction Story | 06.17, 21:50 | 14 | PantherFan12 | 07.10, 08:48, by drakelord | damage calculator - duel version - game tool | 07.09, 10:27 | 6 | syperdestroyer | 07.09, 16:31, by Lord Jeverag | Alchemist Faction | 07.04, 11:54 | 13 | Luminesence | 07.09, 01:39, by mageof10 | Best LV3 Creature | 07.01, 05:16 | 26 | PantherFan12 | 07.07, 04:29, by Tantric | DAMAGE CALCULATOR - GAME TOOL | 07.04, 18:46 | 33 | syperdestroyer | 07.06, 12:18, by syperdestroyer | Next tier Monsters that don't exist even in .ru | 07.04, 18:44 | 11 | Lord Geia | 07.05, 10:25, by Lord Head-Shot | NINJA FACTION | 06.16, 20:17 | 22 | DOA | 07.04, 18:38, by DOA | #336 demons, inc. Creative work. | 06.25, 10:36 | 8 | Lord magicboy | 07.04, 05:13, by Lord magicboy | HOMM5 2nd Upgrades | 06.22, 15:56 | 28 | NatureLord | 07.02, 20:12, by drakelord | Making avatars for 3000 gold. | 07.01, 10:41 | 16 | TheKingOfHell | 07.01, 17:55, by NatureLord | Army of Barb [200] 1 Attempt | 07.01, 00:13 | 6 | ![#7181 The Elite Warriors #7181]( Lord MasterTI | 07.01, 13:04, by CGSMCMLXXV | Best LV1 | 06.30, 06:34 | 15 | PantherFan12 | 07.01, 05:13, by ![#7181 The Elite Warriors #7181]( Lord lukeman56789 | creating webpages for clans and making avas | 06.29, 08:20 | 15 | lord_of_magi | 06.30, 13:54, by Lord magicboy | Combination. | 12.04, 04:22 | 62 | CrossXVamki | 06.29, 13:33, by CrossXVamki | Creating Official Clan Websites !!! | 06.28, 21:24 | 13 | HurricaneLord | 06.29, 08:12, by HurricaneLord | Alien Interview! | 06.26, 02:17 | 14 | Lord Decrous | 06.29, 02:50, by Lord Decrous | Clan webpages and avatars | 06.28, 23:15 | 4 | lord_of_magi | 06.29, 00:57, by Skunder | CLAN WEBPAGES AND AVATARS | 06.28, 22:55 | 2 | lord_of_magi | 06.28, 23:14, by lord_of_magi | my own lvl 4 and 5 spells | 06.19, 15:11 | 8 | ![#7705 † Angels & Demons Ψ #7705]( Santremus | 06.27, 14:56, by Likourgos3 | Winter elf faction | 06.20, 12:55 | 8 | syperdestroyer | 06.27, 11:49, by syperdestroyer | Men of the West Faction | 06.24, 12:59 | 16 | Mojocat | 06.27, 08:15, by Mojocat | 4° and 5° level spells | 06.26, 11:13 | 12 | syperdestroyer | 06.27, 06:29, by Lord Head-Shot | My Story | 06.20, 01:23 | 2 | PantherFan12 | 06.26, 22:59, by PantherFan12 | knights wives | 06.16, 01:03 | 8 | ![#7181 The Elite Warriors #7181]( Lord lukeman56789 | 06.25, 04:11, by Mojocat | Just translate... | 06.23, 11:31 | 7 | Veni_Vedi_Vici | 06.23, 14:50, by Veni_Vedi_Vici | Some Things | 06.22, 15:26 | 7 | Lord Head-Shot | 06.23, 14:13, by ![#7705 † Angels & Demons Ψ #7705]( Lord abdullah | #336 Demons, Inc. (story) | 06.20, 04:00 | 18 | Lord magicboy | 06.22, 08:55, by Lord magicboy | Create A Faction | 06.17, 21:29 | 7 | PantherFan12 | 06.18, 17:55, by PantherFan12 | Create your own MG quest monster | 06.02, 16:55 | 22 | Lord koki | 06.18, 14:26, by whippets1 |