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Creative works


Topic Date
Author Last message
My mom left the door open (we live in hell)08.25, 10:5319tupeorpesadilla07.10, 09:23, by Lady Straws
Create a Faction Story06.17, 21:5014PantherFan1207.10, 08:48, by drakelord
damage calculator - duel version - game tool07.09, 10:276syperdestroyer07.09, 16:31, by Lord Jeverag
Alchemist Faction07.04, 11:5413Luminesence07.09, 01:39, by mageof10
Best LV3 Creature07.01, 05:1626PantherFan1207.07, 04:29, by Tantric
DAMAGE CALCULATOR - GAME TOOL07.04, 18:4633syperdestroyer07.06, 12:18, by syperdestroyer
Next tier Monsters that don't exist even in .ru07.04, 18:4411Lord Geia07.05, 10:25, by Lord Head-Shot
NINJA FACTION06.16, 20:1722DOA07.04, 18:38, by DOA
#336 demons, inc. Creative work.06.25, 10:368Lord magicboy07.04, 05:13, by Lord magicboy
HOMM5 2nd Upgrades06.22, 15:5628NatureLord07.02, 20:12, by drakelord
Making avatars for 3000 gold.07.01, 10:4116TheKingOfHell07.01, 17:55, by NatureLord
Army of Barb [200] 1 Attempt07.01, 00:136#7181Lord MasterTI07.01, 13:04, by CGSMCMLXXV
Best LV106.30, 06:3415PantherFan1207.01, 05:13, by #7181Lord lukeman56789
creating webpages for clans and making avas06.29, 08:2015lord_of_magi06.30, 13:54, by Lord magicboy
Combination.12.04, 04:2262CrossXVamki06.29, 13:33, by CrossXVamki
Creating Official Clan Websites !!!06.28, 21:2413HurricaneLord06.29, 08:12, by HurricaneLord
Alien Interview!06.26, 02:1714Lord Decrous06.29, 02:50, by Lord Decrous
Clan webpages and avatars06.28, 23:154lord_of_magi06.29, 00:57, by Skunder
CLAN WEBPAGES AND AVATARS06.28, 22:552lord_of_magi06.28, 23:14, by lord_of_magi
my own lvl 4 and 5 spells06.19, 15:118#7705Santremus06.27, 14:56, by Likourgos3
Winter elf faction06.20, 12:558syperdestroyer06.27, 11:49, by syperdestroyer
Men of the West Faction06.24, 12:5916Mojocat06.27, 08:15, by Mojocat
4° and 5° level spells06.26, 11:1312syperdestroyer06.27, 06:29, by Lord Head-Shot
My Story06.20, 01:232PantherFan1206.26, 22:59, by PantherFan12
knights wives06.16, 01:038#7181Lord lukeman5678906.25, 04:11, by Mojocat
Just translate...06.23, 11:317Veni_Vedi_Vici06.23, 14:50, by Veni_Vedi_Vici
Some Things06.22, 15:267Lord Head-Shot06.23, 14:13, by #7705Lord abdullah
#336 Demons, Inc. (story)06.20, 04:0018Lord magicboy06.22, 08:55, by Lord magicboy
Create A Faction06.17, 21:297PantherFan1206.18, 17:55, by PantherFan12
Create your own MG quest monster06.02, 16:5522Lord koki06.18, 14:26, by whippets1

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