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AuthorBest LV1
Ok which is the best level 1 faction creature
demons or wolfriders

rogues are 2 little and suck at lvl 1 and 2 if u know wat u are doing
1 wolf vs 1 rogues, dead wolf xD
Wolf riders deals 3 damage to rogues
rogues deals 7 damage to wolf riders
wolf riders deals 2 damage to rogues

Rogues deals 3 damage to wolf riders. 1 perished :p
DE have a small but powerful army so you can't a compare a DE unit with others
best lvl 1 creture has to be rouge
rogues, demons or wolfriders , are 2-nd level creatures, and best level 1 faction creatures are sprites.
level 1 not tier 1, and sprites are level 5.

rogues are the best stat wise, but I think FKs or wolfriders are best total damage wise (with stack numbers that you can have)
Gargoyles!! nah that was in my dream
this isn't a topic for creative works...
Well I dont where it belongs and my guess would be definalty Rogues
then prepare 2 be owned
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