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Topic Date
Author Last message
ras080 - first level 10 Barbarian04.28, 12:3915CaligulaX04.29, 01:23, by Lord DragonEater
SwitchBlad3 --- level 11 :)04.21, 15:4925#4201aijez04.28, 18:54, by #7705Lord Fosgeen
Congratz to myself04.27, 16:5612Liongo04.28, 11:37, by Liongo
Warwick-the-wiz reaches lvl 1204.24, 05:0420coolahed04.28, 10:13, by coolahed
-_NO--NAME_- hits the 9th level04.23, 12:289Lord NatureWarrior04.28, 08:15, by Lord niranjan2009
Mohini-TG lel 404.26, 09:5811Antartican04.26, 19:14, by Lord Jedi-Knight
Congrats04.24, 12:2314Lord richies04.25, 22:27, by Lord Jedi-Knight
Tyrisia HG7 on level 1204.19, 15:3621#9595Lord Patrickou04.25, 03:05, by Warwick-the-wiz
Congratz to Flexxxy reach 10 lvl04.15, 17:5211XKnightManX04.24, 06:01, by Warwick-the-wiz
Siwyzdobywca hit 13th level!04.19, 18:1011#7490Lord PenTus04.23, 12:58, by Lord Jedi-Knight
Grats marked_one -> TG level 10!04.20, 09:4441Lord moro8804.23, 09:07, by cyberclops
Koloja hit 14th level!04.19, 11:1430#7490Lord PenTus04.22, 08:26, by Sudden_Death
Happy bday04.22, 07:322nobodiez04.22, 07:34, by #9595merlin36
Grats XKnightManX whid lvl 11 :))04.20, 09:215Lord Flexxxy04.21, 06:54, by Mitashjain
kushu12 -- MG-404.20, 12:133GKH04.20, 12:50, by #9595Lord eddyimmanuel
Naveen22 --> 13Lv!04.20, 07:241kaira_rahul04.20, 07:24, by kaira_rahul
Barbarian-Fishy on reaching Combat Level 1104.17, 13:4017Lord Grunge04.19, 16:39, by #7153limustudotcom
virtual_vitrea lvl 5 laborers guild!04.16, 08:5412agent_00404.19, 11:13, by #7153Elven_Lord
congratz to qulows for reaching GG level 1504.15, 22:1312Lord koloja04.19, 09:44, by #4201Lord Robai
dmitriyns reaches kngiht racial 9!!!04.10, 12:2917lik04.19, 09:15, by #1209Lord xXxKratosxXx
frozen-elf---->2months and 4days for lvl-10&GG-12:)04.18, 17:047Dolomar04.19, 02:05, by #7153DetherocEvil
Loricia ---> lvl 1304.16, 09:019#7490Lady SladurAna04.17, 14:13, by KnightSlayer
Congratulations Aluca for hunter guild 7 in level 1204.16, 20:5116Lady Tyrisia04.17, 12:44, by naapa92
Congrats to Liuker --> THREE Championship in 35th ST04.10, 18:0220SunnyDaisy04.16, 15:13, by SunnyDaisy
Elven_Lord --> 13Lv!03.26, 10:0337Lord TasKurPavaro04.16, 09:24, by Lord Io-AKA-oI
BoJIoD9I -> Finnaly Uci has arrived :)04.12, 16:5922KnightSlayer04.16, 05:11, by Lord Jack-Sparrow
Happy B'day eddyimmanuel.04.13, 07:3337#4201virtual_vitrea04.15, 14:31, by MrOnion
Brilliant -> The first racial 10 wizard on server04.11, 12:4341KnightSlayer04.12, 19:47, by #1512Lord BoJIoD9I
My 500th Defeats :) who care's04.12, 18:184Lady Mohini04.12, 19:38, by #9595Lord eddyimmanuel
Koloja hits 9th level ELF racial04.08, 23:0721#7490Lord PenTus04.11, 12:03, by General_IB

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