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Gratitudes and congratulations


Topic Date
Author Last message
Gratz to `the "not so bright" players in this game06.11, 18:5111#7705Lord naviron06.12, 17:26, by #7705Lord naviron
todesh CG LEVL 106.11, 16:5818Lord _ARMENIA_06.12, 16:12, by cyberlord
flexxxy MILLIONAIRE !!!!06.12, 05:478koushik_great06.12, 11:34, by Goku_30
Grats to me======== 4 lvl06.11, 15:574Fox_man06.11, 22:23, by Lord Jedi-Knight
cantbstopped----> level 1406.10, 19:1116coolahed06.11, 15:47, by #7153Lord cantbstopped
Dionysus - - = = > DE Racial 10 !06.10, 19:2928Lord Jedi-Knight06.11, 10:09, by #7490gonlador
Grats to me ----> level 306.10, 15:3612_NightMares_06.11, 06:43, by coolahed
Reaperthug -> Hunter's Guild 606.10, 06:429narutoayan06.11, 06:43, by #9595Lord Patrickou
HIghtDeathRate ---> level 14!06.01, 17:0412#7490Lord PenTus06.11, 03:35, by Lord DragonEater
Patrickou --> LG9!!06.10, 18:3026coolahed06.11, 03:32, by Lord DragonEater
Someon3 level 14!06.09, 16:1817DarknessDoom06.11, 02:42, by Lord Someon3
cosmin_4_you ---> level 1206.07, 22:5110Lord Cygara_i_pety06.10, 06:21, by #1209jahadad
cyberclops-->level 1006.09, 11:287HybriDX06.09, 22:00, by #7490Lord xXxKratosxXx
Congrats to Naapa and Loricia - the newly weds!!06.07, 11:3845Lord crazyfrog2006.09, 15:59, by Goku_30
congratz to me06.08, 19:1113matomato1206.09, 10:26, by Goku_30
Goku_30 back to da game05.31, 08:0719Lord susliks12306.09, 10:06, by Goku_30
Happy b'day RecordMaker06.08, 10:3514#4201speed_dragon06.09, 07:29, by RecordMaker
Hedvig For Hamster Killing06.06, 11:1339Trent12306.07, 23:36, by qulows
evil_devil ---> level 1406.05, 12:0418coolahed06.07, 10:58, by naapa92
Mr_eee ---> level 1505.30, 20:3027Lord JoseyWales06.06, 17:01, by #7153limustudotcom
Gratz to naapa92, for escaping "slavery"06.05, 19:266#7705Lord naviron06.05, 21:35, by Soturi570
i have goed marry with Kitten_Nin!!!05.30, 19:0041naapa9206.05, 19:15, by naapa92
koushik_great - - = = > Level 10 !06.04, 11:059Lord Jedi-Knight06.05, 12:26, by koushik_great
Jeverag --> level 1206.02, 16:3324#7705Lord Fosgeen06.05, 11:14, by #4201aijez
dziadu==>8TG06.02, 09:5018Lord tom8206.04, 16:14, by Lady sry
nosteramus-->lvl 1206.03, 05:3812coolahed06.04, 14:53, by Lord DragonEater
BigDD-->lvl 9 reached06.01, 04:387#7153Lady hpsim06.03, 18:13, by #7153limustudotcom
Lynchymob back in action06.02, 13:121conna06.02, 13:12, by conna
puccini hits 12 lvl !!!06.01, 08:599Lord LORD_Destruktor06.02, 11:48, by Lord koloja
Happy Birthday!06.01, 13:3010Lord Kolyansan06.01, 22:21, by #3305SAMOTRON

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