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Temporal 80/80 arts | 04.07, 19:58 | 9 | Caleb2060 | 04.07, 23:10, by  Corey | debts | 04.07, 21:13 | 4 |  hozz | 04.07, 22:13, by Dragon Eater | thief guild | 04.06, 21:08 | 4 | princey | 04.07, 18:45, by princey | Diamonds | 04.07, 08:14 | 5 | prashin | 04.07, 12:50, by  virtual_vitrea | some problem with the time portal event | 04.07, 05:56 | 2 | hul2 | 04.07, 05:57, by hul2 | Lvl 10 elf or charmer elf? | 04.04, 10:41 | 5 | Aurelija | 04.04, 10:48, by Edwin | Enchanting and repairing | 04.04, 08:15 | 9 | Awesome1993 | 04.04, 08:53, by Awesome1993 | portal of time | 04.04, 07:42 | 2 | cat430 | 04.04, 07:47, by  Corey | jailed | 03.31, 21:22 | 8 |  hozz | 04.04, 00:15, by  Corey | POT | 04.03, 11:40 | 3 |  hozz | 04.03, 23:59, by  Corey | Unblock !! | 04.03, 18:00 | 6 | pumpainais | 04.03, 23:55, by  Corey | Sub forums extension. | 04.03, 22:11 | 4 | Angel of Death | 04.03, 22:27, by Angel of Death | on unblocking | 04.02, 17:35 | 7 | justforfourm | 04.03, 17:50, by Wonderla | sorceror's luck | 04.02, 21:47 | 6 |  Lord photonics | 04.03, 15:52, by  Lord photonics | Best recruit setup in POT for level 5 | 04.03, 10:15 | 10 | Caleb2060 | 04.03, 12:22, by The One Ring | Difficulty level in PoT | 04.03, 10:08 | 5 | randomr1 | 04.03, 10:31, by Poison Ivy | Chests of Abundance probability | 04.03, 02:36 | 3 | randomr1 | 04.03, 03:22, by randomr1 | enroll on iphone | 04.01, 18:43 | 9 | Dbest | 04.02, 21:26, by Dbest | How Defensive + Offensive ? | 04.02, 17:38 | 22 | Legend Forever | 04.02, 20:20, by Legend Forever | xp per creature | 04.02, 16:54 | 2 | Malice | 04.02, 17:09, by narutoayan | ST tournament | 04.02, 14:42 | 3 | pumpainais | 04.02, 14:44, by pumpainais | double click | 04.01, 12:01 | 9 |  hozz | 04.02, 05:56, by Angel of Death | some glitch | 04.01, 16:26 | 5 | Dbest | 04.01, 16:32, by Dbest | How to buy diamonds? | 04.01, 11:31 | 6 | Lord evil_devil | 04.01, 12:32, by KnightofDusk | What was This? | 04.01, 11:06 | 5 | Wonderla | 04.01, 11:19, by Wonderla | did they change recruit count, or is it april`s fool? | 04.01, 10:15 | 5 | Boozy_Bosco | 04.01, 10:23, by Boozy_Bosco | Negative Gold | 04.01, 08:18 | 3 | Optimus Prime | 04.01, 08:20, by Optimus Prime | What just happened..I got negative gold for a while..April Fools? | 04.01, 08:18 | 1 | narutoayan | 04.01, 08:18, by narutoayan | Top Hunter | 04.01, 02:22 | 6 | Nelfael | 04.01, 05:45, by Legend Forever | mage cape | 03.31, 14:47 | 5 | _CrackpoT_ | 03.31, 20:38, by Edwin |