Forums-->Combat problems <|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38
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battle stuck | 04.23, 18:59 | 1 | rapra | 04.23, 18:59, by rapra | this aint fair | 04.18, 02:00 | 5 | shock2555 | 04.18, 18:05, by Zyanya | what the heck? | 04.12, 05:06 | 10 |  shock2255 | 04.18, 18:05, by Zyanya | Help: Battle won't load in firefox, IE, and chrome | 03.02, 12:28 | 5 | Galador | 04.16, 16:24, by Terengganu | Help me!!! | 04.10, 15:34 | 8 | Lady Set_Sveta | 04.10, 17:12, by Lord SoulReaver83 | Stuck in a battle | 04.10, 14:43 | 2 | EvilCockney | 04.10, 17:02, by EvilCockney | It is impossible to finish hunting | 04.10, 15:24 | 1 | Lady Svetochek | 04.10, 15:24, by Lady Svetochek | Help! | 04.09, 13:54 | 7 | TheKingOfHell | 04.09, 17:55, by NatureLord | merc fight disappeared | 04.08, 15:48 | 4 | Kal_Martani | 04.09, 14:02, by SichieTom | Lag in Combat, it stops, finally it seems to be newer exist | 04.09, 07:48 | 3 | SichieTom | 04.09, 11:11, by Zyanya | No Battle time for swordman | 04.03, 04:07 | 4 | Cyrix | 04.05, 19:56, by  Lord Kotrin | You are already in a challenge! | 03.31, 11:23 | 17 |  Lord dmitriyns | 04.01, 05:34, by  Lord dmitriyns | wont let me attack in battle | 03.14, 12:09 | 13 | Cloud2206 | 03.17, 20:53, by  Lord MasterTI | Disappeared battles? | 03.16, 11:04 | 3 | GardenCity | 03.16, 11:10, by  Shebali | You are already in a challenge! | 03.16, 10:53 | 2 |  Lord dmitriyns | 03.16, 10:55, by Zyanya | stuck in the moment with them.... | 03.16, 10:13 | 7 | Lord Barilla | 03.16, 10:48, by Zyanya | Skill points after hunt. | 03.14, 03:02 | 2 | Ice_Flower | 03.14, 04:12, by Lady Straws | Hunter Assistance turned into alone battle | 03.05, 02:47 | 5 | AngryJedi | 03.06, 02:39, by Zyanya | Unusualities in raise dead. | 03.03, 03:58 | 5 | mizzk | 03.03, 14:27, by Sven91 | server problem | 03.01, 11:23 | 35 | Cotsos | 03.02, 18:45, by OzzyCat | Keeps placing me in group battle | 02.25, 22:20 | 3 | Robkin | 03.01, 09:26, by Beinion15 | Stuck in Hunt | 02.28, 07:15 | 3 | Lord Gambit | 02.28, 08:45, by DarwenAward | I cant do anithing in this battle... | 02.22, 22:41 | 4 | Egor | 02.24, 13:41, by Zemnas | Nothing | 02.22, 11:08 | 3 | Lord elninjo | 02.22, 11:19, by Lord elninjo | got stuck in loading textures | 02.06, 18:24 | 2 | longbottom | 02.21, 12:12, by Master98961 | page temporary unavailable | 02.20, 07:20 | 3 | Legionz | 02.20, 07:59, by Abyss_XenoEvan | Adobe flash player error during combats | 02.17, 12:21 | 5 | Lord great_uru | 02.19, 12:04, by ForestFighter | BATTLE ERROR | 02.08, 18:36 | 7 | DarkGalo | 02.16, 14:25, by StevieG | Stuck in Loading textures . . . | 02.14, 13:29 | 5 | leggylass | 02.14, 16:03, by Arctic | 1 vs 2 ??? | 02.14, 12:38 | 1 | Wamcalot | 02.14, 12:38, by Wamcalot |