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Combat problems


Topic Date
Author Last message
Ice Clod doing 91 damage instead of 111 (ambushed by player)10.16, 22:193DerMagus10.16, 23:40, by DerMagus
glowing angel sword10.15, 02:034gabe810.15, 19:59, by gabe8
skelly bowman bug10.10, 17:149Sportsmaniac10.11, 14:55, by Arctic
Apparitions deal 60 damage and restores 1279 hp10.10, 10:368Lord fairy_lady10.10, 17:17, by Lady Takesister
Forced 'Defend' bug?10.10, 09:543#7705Gyver10.10, 09:56, by hiddenshadow
tavern10.09, 13:345coolsunny140410.09, 16:57, by gurumao
Magi dmg09.28, 18:427Lord valium09.30, 12:06, by OndaNera
Golem 50% magic shield09.24, 14:373Lord valium09.25, 11:54, by Abyss_XenoEvan
Swordman atk become lower !!!!09.24, 02:152#7279Sky-lim09.24, 05:04, by Pang
Win but 0 XP! Help!09.07, 09:2110hh--09.18, 03:43, by Shawnsta76
Extra Troops09.11, 19:172phonix-werb09.11, 22:36, by Lord Atheros
damages dealt by caravan of DE08.31, 12:565Karsot09.01, 06:59, by Karsot
killing my own troops?!08.30, 12:153Lord Atheros08.30, 12:30, by Lord Atheros
EFO between China_blue99, MasterTI and Kiskoko08.28, 07:343Lord Head-Shot08.28, 08:34, by Lord Head-Shot
auto defend04.12, 05:1012Lord Adamantin08.28, 06:55, by Lord Head-Shot
No numbers on gated troops.08.24, 00:035Lord Decrous08.25, 07:45, by Lord Head-Shot
Faster golems?08.20, 15:132Lord koki08.20, 15:20, by Lady Straws
MG guide problem!08.19, 21:134Lord HeartBreakkid08.20, 03:20, by gurumao
says my troops won't fights08.18, 15:062phonix-werb08.19, 13:16, by Zyanya
Character is stuck in continous fighting status08.11, 09:568MyPucca08.19, 00:41, by munlax
Impossible damage of treefolks in hunt !!08.18, 08:175Lord SIDERISKA08.18, 10:44, by Lord SIDERISKA
Magic Punch damage08.16, 10:583CharlesBishop08.16, 12:51, by CharlesBishop
stuck at loading textures08.12, 10:302Lord deadlyking08.12, 10:42, by Lord deadlyking
still in combat08.11, 08:213_perin_08.11, 19:20, by hiddenshadow
still in challenge08.11, 13:012_perin_08.11, 13:01, by _perin_
apparition monster more than greedy08.08, 14:112mrwhite08.08, 14:50, by Lady Straws
Pls make a withdraw button for group Challange and Blindfold08.08, 09:531Huntz08.08, 09:53, by Huntz
critial damage07.28, 13:119123ohmmy08.06, 07:34, by #7365Lord Kotrin
A Glitch in Hunting!08.05, 07:532Fight-Club08.05, 07:57, by Lady Takesister
Elfs at level 5 they are too powerful07.31, 09:024ELMEJOR07.31, 21:26, by #7365Lord Kotrin

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