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Problems and errors (general)


Topic Date
Author Last message
New server10.20, 13:1912#7227Lord Vonemar11.19, 04:10, by green100
Couldn't load battlefield, got stuck11.12, 14:094Rhuwme11.19, 03:36, by green100
map loading11.14, 17:225chanlebr11.19, 03:34, by green100
elite forest keeprs11.14, 01:502Lord kiwi11.14, 01:51, by Lord kiwi
cant work11.13, 18:432Kingofkongs11.13, 19:02, by Kingofkongs
i gained new combat lvl, but i didn't get any new skill???11.11, 03:067munja11.13, 17:04, by munja
mana not working right11.06, 22:445werb12311.12, 16:37, by xinj
Ghosts11.11, 19:175Mycke11.11, 23:30, by Mycke
Bug in joining a hunt11.11, 17:093Oysar11.11, 17:14, by Pang
the resources of mercury and work in lab11.09, 21:393Lord bonestorm11.10, 04:14, by God5end
code11.08, 22:443Haldjas11.08, 23:29, by Lord Ganz
Work11.07, 19:4011Drakkon11.07, 22:10, by #7279Lord binghuo
catpcha code11.07, 15:192akwamaryn11.07, 15:20, by akwamaryn
The gem issue11.07, 11:172Dreadclaw11.07, 11:30, by Lady misself
I lost my battle, because the server did not answer10.20, 17:519Vidor11.07, 04:22, by Lady misself
Return to game11.06, 08:412MalaysiaBoleh11.06, 08:50, by sg_dark
No elements recieved from mercenary guild at level 011.04, 14:523Lady Silk11.05, 22:33, by Knightwolf
hunter skill bonus11.04, 01:454#7279Lord eviltitan11.04, 14:59, by #7279Lord eviltitan
brigands' level11.04, 14:361smart0eddie11.04, 14:36, by smart0eddie
NPC caravan in ambush and confusion spell11.03, 22:281walker11.03, 22:28, by walker
Sprites & "Wasp swarm" spell10.16, 20:429Lord Ami11.03, 12:16, by xAs1x
Racial skill level 510.31, 15:524dartmouth11.01, 07:12, by Erlemar
ERROR: Invalid code.08.30, 09:4114ubik11.01, 06:14, by Erlemar
Bug - time is incorrect10.30, 17:391SuperSheep10.30, 17:39, by SuperSheep
Loading object error10.29, 15:493Lord _lich_10.30, 03:59, by Lady misself
Traveling10.29, 06:131Oysar10.29, 06:13, by Oysar
hunter needs help error10.25, 19:104rokta10.28, 22:17, by Zyanya
initiative at elf 3rd level10.27, 20:3411CGSMCMLXXV10.27, 23:03, by CGSMCMLXXV
Error in Battle in attendance10.26, 21:083Lord bonestorm10.27, 19:49, by Lord bonestorm
I'm having trouble on battlefield, nothing is working10.23, 23:533john1610.26, 01:54, by Lord Arioch

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