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Topic Date
Author Last message
Bank03.29, 15:375grif03.29, 17:41, by #7490Lord STB
Highlight facility with mercenaries guild quest01.04, 17:2328velniukstis03.25, 16:49, by Bartek009
Mark the mine where the quest is03.25, 13:587Bartek00903.25, 14:32, by #7153DEATHisNEAR
An easy way to remove the stress of afk03.22, 19:482siddi111103.22, 20:22, by #7153DEATHisNEAR
Paired Survival Tournamnet03.07, 06:4718Optimus Prime03.22, 09:53, by Optimus Prime
Regarding clans03.21, 17:472Sir__Ankur__03.21, 18:01, by #7153DEATHisNEAR
Lords of WAR and MONEY12.18, 16:2427Lord SOUVIK03.20, 12:33, by #7490phoenix22
Recruiting improvement03.14, 18:5014Lord Hallion9103.18, 18:23, by z E o
increased chance of MG quest type03.16, 14:395#7153DEATHisNEAR03.18, 01:16, by alien321
Hunt Achievement Reward01.30, 08:2316einz03.17, 04:27, by #7153DEATHisNEAR
Daily Login02.25, 13:0942einz03.15, 04:49, by supekrypton-
golden cards03.10, 15:585Bheem03.10, 18:29, by MrBattleControl
modifications to P.A. tournament03.08, 16:312guyb03.08, 17:36, by Bheem
auto battle03.07, 19:3210#4201yopiwizard03.08, 05:18, by Murali
Improved sorting of the lists of estates09.09, 18:2625#7490Lord STB03.07, 06:03, by warrior49
Battle log autoscroll improvement02.27, 14:338Lord Hallion9102.28, 08:06, by z E o
Text quest for english version02.27, 07:099Angel of Death02.28, 01:17, by #7153DEATHisNEAR
Advisor02.22, 22:0315cargo45602.26, 16:38, by B-A-R-B1997
Your bids option in market02.11, 10:3422Jon Battleborn02.26, 04:14, by Lord Hallion91
Delete Clan Mail Option as PM02.24, 17:188Gaara02.25, 21:17, by _1rip1_
Artifact depository for everyone12.21, 17:2428Majesticos02.24, 20:48, by #4201_Sworks_
enroll02.23, 13:598evil_archer02.23, 17:38, by #7490Lord STB
Mixed quick Tournaments02.15, 16:139ReD_CherRY02.19, 14:09, by Worf
AI hero specific to the class.10.11, 21:2513Murali02.19, 07:23, by Murali
quick tournaments problem02.12, 20:377alien12302.19, 02:39, by Worf
AI chat independance01.08, 14:2320Lord Hallion9102.16, 09:57, by Lord PG
hunt database02.14, 21:553#5390hozz02.14, 22:28, by #5390hozz
loans with interest rates01.29, 14:099d0ctorwho02.14, 11:58, by d0ctorwho
Block accounts for sertin time not forever!01.07, 02:5242LKRuler02.11, 16:22, by MrBattleControl
about afks12.23, 19:0925Niranjan02.10, 21:05, by LvRokijs

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