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AuthorHighlight facility with mercenaries guild quest
When we choose quest it usualy has its type, location and facility. Its realy good that location on map is marked with sword and red cross.
It would save some time if we would see any mark on the facility also. sometimes its annoing to click every obscidian mine in ungovernable steppe :)

It is however, slightly easier to click on an area with a Mercenary Guild, click on the guild, click on the target mine.
Still, it would be even easier and more natural to have the mine highlighted.
click on an area with a Mercenary Guild, click on the guild, click on the target mine.

I always do this but its annoying
There is a simple solution for this problem

Go to personal settings and n select Shortcuts menu
Set a shortcut for MG

After you reach the MG location then click on tht shortcut,u'll see the facility n location
Click on tht facility n do u'r quest :)
Thanks insane, I really hadn't thought of that
thats a smart one insane ;)

still the idea deserves a +1 as its something that is just supposed to be.
You don't need to put it on shortcut menu lol, aren't you using that timers script ? It has a link to MG on the MG timer.
This is exactly what I do in such cases.
click on an area with a Mercenary Guild, click on the guild, click on the target mine.

Same here. Always done like that, but highlighting would be welcome. +1
I see no drawback with this idea.

+1 :)
+1 useful idea
+1 I liked it
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