Yet another battle laden with despair has ultimately culminated in victory. Not the final victory, but no less significant. So many more battles like this are to come, but the thoughts now turn elsewhere. Life is calling from the surface again — and it is time to return while its call is still audible through the whispers of the depths. Out of the firm grip of impenetrable darkness, into the embrace of blooming spring. There, where time never stands still, steadily drawing nearer the hour of new challenges.
Lords and Ladies, yet another stage of the rescue operation has baeen successfully completed through your efforts! Thousands of freed prisoners offer their immeasurable gratitude to their saviors! And even if the deeds performed down there remain in the shadows of history, the Empire knows the names of the Lords and Ladies who took part in them. The Empire is willing to congratulate you with a well-deserved award and a trophy artifact for each participant who scored 20,000 points or more. The durability of the artifact depends on the final number of points scored:
All Lords and Ladies, who scored 70,000 points or more, were given from 1 to 10 parts of Fear Mask and Magma Arbalest. The number of parts depends on your final number of points.
All Lords and Ladies who achieved at least one victory will receive a gold reward for their participation! The reward depends on your number of victories, points scored, and combat level. Gold is issued on the Dungeon Caves page.

Furthermore, the contribution of the top 75 military clans is especially noted! A well-deserved reward and the loyalty of new followers awaits all worthy ones who brought at least 360,000 points to the clan:
Clan rank | Reward | Glory | | 1 | | 1,500 | | 2 | | 1,300 | | 3 | | 1,100 | | 4 | | 1,000 | | 5 - 8 | | 900 | | 9 - 13 | | 800 | 9. | #10557 |  Dracarys | 92,629,894 | 10. | #41 |  Долина Магов | 91,361,502 | 11. | #823 |  Ginger Tail | 90,727,626 | 12. | #846 |  IV legion of Elfius: Инквизиция | 89,663,928 | 13. | #5152 |  †Огненные рубежи† | 88,216,735 |
| 14 - 20 | | 600 | 14. | #9426 |  Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев | 87,124,330 | 15. | #7777 |  Бессмертные | 87,012,755 | 16. | #10886 |  Гиперборея 1685 | 86,384,173 | 17. | #8502 |  Россия | 86,329,800 | 18. | #14 |  Братство Стали | 83,849,502 | 19. | #407 |  Asgard | 83,800,869 | 20. | #326 |  Герои Уничтоженных Империй | 83,144,016 |
| 21 - 30 | | 500 | 21. | #782 |  Легион Грешников | 81,847,150 | 22. | #997 |  Бастион Доблести | 80,558,830 | 23. | #965 |  Земли Эльмора | 79,192,022 | 24. | #249 |  Белая Русь | 78,611,792 | 25. | #5722 |  Галерея Теней | 78,333,804 | 26. | #73 |  Орден Джедаев | 75,302,938 | 27. | #17 |  Авалон | 74,778,380 | 28. | #10592 |  Холодная Сталь | 74,466,915 | 29. | #5169 |  Белые волки | 71,757,396 | 30. | #2302 |  II legion of Elfius | 71,310,741 |
| 31 - 45 | | 400 | 31. | #27 |  Орда | 70,430,467 | 32. | #3975 |  Степное Братство | 69,868,319 | 33. | #2735 |  Ангелы смерти | 69,298,344 | 34. | #57 |  Тридевятое королевство | 68,701,525 | 35. | #10721 |  Fire Kingdom | 68,344,549 | 36. | #346 |  Свои | 67,286,877 | 37. | #12800 |  Торговцы Смертью | 66,925,385 | 38. | #1512 |  † Nekropolis † | 66,515,738 | 39. | #12234 |  Санаторий Виктория | 65,930,055 | 40. | #5063 |  Midgard | 65,103,117 | 41. | #3303 |  Украина. Ярость Севера | 64,826,870 | 42. | #10877 |  Warsong Outriders | 63,472,355 | 43. | #2517 |  The Dedicated Fighters | 62,772,283 | 44. | #8433 |  _Чудная Долина_ | 61,728,321 | 45. | #6118 |  Владыки Мира Империи | 60,639,258 |
| 46 - 60 | | 250 | 46. | #302 |  Орден Единых | 60,589,099 | 47. | #5041 |  Орион | 60,018,492 | 48. | #3352 |  Пиратская Республика | 59,691,829 | 49. | #9970 |  Holy Legion | 58,213,147 | 50. | #728 |  Улей | 57,661,112 | 51. | #276 |  Молот Ведьм | 57,552,396 | 52. | #2230 |  Агенты Хаоса | 57,517,685 | 53. | #12447 |  † Kings † | 56,367,299 | 54. | #1317 |  Чёрный Эльфийский Легион | 55,805,605 | 55. | #12186 |  Монетный двор | 54,454,278 | 56. | #1271 |  Братство Героев | 54,133,096 | 57. | #12385 |  Loyal Squad | 53,801,804 | 58. | #493 |  Говорящие с Ветром | 53,454,150 | 59. | #3346 |  Радуга | 49,919,474 | 60. | #522 |  Властители семи ветров | 48,143,851 |
| 61 - 75 | | 100 | 61. | #15 |  Destiny | 43,874,058 | 62. | #12045 |  Тёмная Империя | 43,801,290 | 63. | #63 |  Desperados | 42,667,744 | 64. | #10399 |  Ни шагу назад! | 41,440,252 | 65. | #12497 |  Крылья Мантикоры | 38,376,014 | 66. | #179 |  Набат | 38,231,032 | 67. | #1488 |  Тёмная лига Некромантов | 37,699,600 | 68. | #12840 |  Клинки Судьбы | 37,327,518 | 69. | #1787 |  Scorpion | 36,999,039 | 70. | #7490 |  Rising Phoenix | 36,169,627 | 71. | #12715 |  ZOMBIE | 34,239,835 | 72. | #7705 |  † Angels & Demons ? | 29,124,910 | 73. | #3695 |  Бездельники | 28,288,470 | 74. | #666 |  Legion | 27,836,586 | 75. | #933 |  Warriors | 27,511,419 |
Additional gratitude is extended to the top 5,000 Lords and Ladies who succeeded in scoring the most points during the event. The number of your followers will grow with those handful of happenstance witnesses of your feat.
Lord/Lady rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
The names of the best Lords and Ladies will be classified and locked in a top-secret archive of Her Majesty’s Internal Security Service:
Rank | Lord/Lady | Points | 1. |  Penguin [24] | 1,437,463 | 2. |  fentry [24] | 1,427,331 | 3. |  Сутулая Кошка [14] | 1,391,942 | 4. |  ФилантропЪ [16] | 1,391,125 | 5. |  Markus2102 [11] | 1,355,486 | 6. |  Кирсикка [13] | 1,351,970 | 7. |  Парфюмер [22] | 1,348,351 | 8. |  tell [19] | 1,337,934 | 9. |  Liat [17] | 1,333,184 | 10. |  Nobiys [21] | 1,324,589 | 11. |  КровавыйОладушек [23] | 1,323,556 | 12. |  Vlad3B [17] | 1,313,301 | 13. | леталь [8] | 1,312,138 | 14. |  Krizis [20] | 1,312,030 | 15. |  Горгомела [15] | 1,312,030 | 16. |  Not a gift [22] | 1,311,864 | 17. | Датых [8] | 1,311,376 | 18. |  Evlampij [25] | 1,305,443 | 19. |  GIF-master [12] | 1,290,545 | 20. |  luckerok [15] | 1,290,266 | 21. |  Eramond [15] | 1,286,967 | 22. |  Не ГТ [8] | 1,286,494 | 23. |  M1rr0r [24] | 1,283,024 | 24. |  Who_am_i_7 [14] | 1,282,766 | 25. |  Samwise-Gamgee [14] | 1,282,156 | 26. |  бобер злюка [9] | 1,281,815 | 27. |  Рэд Шухов [14] | 1,280,897 | 28. |  Драгофа [15] | 1,279,899 | 29. |  -матрос- [21] | 1,275,620 | 30. |  Maverick [21] | 1,273,932 | 31. |  Мордорианец [16] | 1,273,381 | 32. |  SivroN [14] | 1,269,576 | 33. |  Kiler05 [17] | 1,269,287 | 34. |  Котлован [21] | 1,269,062 | 35. |  Хитрая Лисичка [7] | 1,267,581 | 36. |  Krelian [9] | 1,267,025 | 37. |  Alaron [21] | 1,266,319 | 38. |  DragonBL17 [13] | 1,265,889 | 39. |  BaronOfAbrissel [12] | 1,262,569 | 40. |  b0ob0bovic [16] | 1,261,901 | 41. |  Дэр Вохуш [10] | 1,261,592 | 42. |  Zombieman [8] | 1,259,617 | 43. |  Rmsi [20] | 1,258,354 | 44. |  Angry_noob [13] | 1,258,302 | 45. |  sergeyg968 [11] | 1,257,806 | 46. |  Zemm [14] | 1,255,848 | 47. |  GOODZINI [16] | 1,255,634 | 48. |  Silver Ogr [8] | 1,255,000 | 49. |  Venom [20] | 1,253,592 | 50. |  lbvflbvf [21] | 1,252,820 | 51. |  Беродил [14] | 1,252,613 | 52. |  Scai [12] | 1,252,345 | 53. |  Akami [8] | 1,252,076 | 54. |  Time_To_Defeat [19] | 1,250,067 | 55. |  slayerofall [20] | 1,250,019 | 56. |  Svoi [19] | 1,248,866 | 57. |  xvxPAINxvx second [13] | 1,247,671 | 58. |  Whitepearl [21] | 1,245,348 | 59. |  паровоз Брюстер [18] | 1,244,524 | 60. |  Милань [17] | 1,244,037 | 61. |  Банкомёт [19] | 1,243,379 | 62. |  Антихрист_РнД [21] | 1,243,220 | 63. |  Зотз [24] | 1,243,175 | 64. |  war-from-dark [17] | 1,242,332 | 65. |  обрут [18] | 1,242,187 | 66. |  _Антиквар_ [17] | 1,242,099 | 67. |  znayushiy [11] | 1,240,359 | 68. |  Лучник30 [17] | 1,239,166 | 69. |  Song of The Dead [11] | 1,237,983 | 70. |  Отдай Кота [16] | 1,237,828 | 71. |  Patrik3000 [15] | 1,237,071 | 72. |  spartak_10 [19] | 1,236,389 | 73. |  -FireBlade- [21] | 1,231,990 | 74. |  Mister-Master [15] | 1,231,347 | 75. |  oxotnik102rus [17] | 1,229,744 | 76. |  Zebdo [16] | 1,228,638 | 77. |  Шашра [7] | 1,228,389 | 78. |  SlavAngl [13] | 1,227,410 | 79. |  Jumper [17] | 1,227,281 | 80. |  1санчос1 [17] | 1,226,797 | 81. |  Q_aibek_Q [16] | 1,226,751 | 82. |  Tesh [9] | 1,226,661 | 83. |  Sky_Rage [16] | 1,226,118 | 84. |  Sanguinius [17] | 1,226,073 | 85. |  HermaeusMora [12] | 1,226,070 | 86. |  greenywo7 [19] | 1,224,304 | 87. |  Avrora LSM [11] | 1,223,542 | 88. |  Sfairat_ [21] | 1,222,785 | 89. |  Скорбя [16] | 1,220,483 | 90. |  Kol64ikk [12] | 1,219,668 | 91. |  Doomhammer01 [16] | 1,219,082 | 92. |  ApostolANDREY [23] | 1,216,927 | 93. |  RICHARD III [17] | 1,216,380 | 94. |  All-Father [19] | 1,215,052 | 95. |  nipnip [21] | 1,215,048 | 96. |  1Dio [13] | 1,211,199 | 97. |  Лосось [19] | 1,210,084 | 98. |  В Мире Добра [11] | 1,209,231 | 99. |  Адела [14] | 1,208,506 | 100. |  Satan 666 [18] | 1,208,126 |
The Empire forgets no one! |