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AuthorDungeon Caves
delete the other one

what strat bawa
From Elden Lord on the other thread:

1.Eligibility: Heroes of combat level 5 and above can participate.
2.Skill Restrictions: Selected skills, faction abilities, and artifact enhancements are disabled.
3.Combat Conditions: Battles are only possible using artifacts from the shop.
4.Enemies: Opponents include underground savages, slaver bandits, cold armies, underground creatures, and fungoids.
5.Starting Army: All Heroes begin with 4 elite crossbowmen and 10 crusaders.
6.Scoring: Points are earned based on total army power. Upgrading with silver does not increase points.
7.Army Mechanics: Recruited armies do not perish. Heroes can retain surviving units and recover up to 80% of fallen stack units after victories.
8.Unit Upgrades: Units can be upgraded using silver from disbanding units. Starting army upgrades are not allowed.
9.Disbanding Units: Units can be disbanded for 95% of their power value in silver, with a minimum of 3 units remaining.
10.Daily Records: Daily high scores are recorded until day 4. Heroes below the daily leader receive silver compensation equal to 95% of the point difference.
11.Scouting: Two targets can be scouted simultaneously, but only one can be attacked.
12.Search Options: Easier or harder opponents can be searched, with limited attempts per battle. Harder opponents yield stronger allied units.
13.Prisoner Ignoring: Certain prisoners can be ignored to prevent their discovery in future searches.
14.Rewards: Victories yield creature artifacts, gold, and points for the Hunters’ and Mercenaries’ Guilds.
15.Milestone Rewards: At 300,000 points, every 5th victory grants a random element. At 1,100,000 points, each victory grants combat potions.
16.Event Duration: 8 days plus 3 final battle days, ending on March 21.
17.Daily Limits: Up to 12 victories per day, with unused victories carrying over (max 96 victories).
18.Enemy Levels: Increase daily based on the number of victories.
19.Unit Limits: Each unit type can be recruited up to 4 times (8 times for level 7 units).
20.Daily Attempts: Limited to 18 battles per day, with unused attempts carrying over (max 144 attempts).
21.Combat Exhaustion: After turn 15, Heroes lose ‘Mana Replenishment’, units lose ‘Drain’ and ‘Sky Strike’, and enemies gain ‘Alert’, increased initiative, and speed.
22.Personal Achievements: Special artifact parts are rewarded for individual successes.
Don't worry, no one will know that you made a random typo when making the other thread
Another Player didn't even copy my post but only Elden Lord...
I see how it is...

but the typo will live on in my memory.
[Post deleted by moderator Another Player // Spam]
Player banned by moderator Another Player until 2025-03-14 15:03:29 // Spam
Is there 1HG and 1MG reward for every battle regardless of the difficulty?
for Glerg:
Not until later. Hg and mg reward scale with score so early on it is .1 hg .1 mg but later fights will be 1.5+ of each
for slayerofall:
That sounds fair. Looks like a good event to participate.
But I don't have much time for that, I would like to only use anniversary bun and auto all battles within couple of hours in easy difficulty to grind some guild points :) but if the reward increases with the difficulty, then I probably can't grind much.
I don't the reason for them to still keep the option of having uncaged creatures. Is there anyone who actually fights those battles if they are given other caged choices?
for bp99:
Uncaged you get 80% if all die and you win battle

Some cases they don't die, and even if they die you get 80% which can be closer or same as caged creatures
Some cases they don't die, and even if they die you get 80% which can be closer or same as caged creatures

They die (and die quickly) in most cases. Those 80% battles are often harder than the caged ones.
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