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AuthorXp penalty
On daily it shows I'll receive a penalty of 104% after 25% , isn't this too big of a jump , shouldn't it be around 65% which I have commonly seen amongst the players?
at your level, 84.5 total stats would give 65% penalty. the table in daily does not show the breakdown for .5 stats if your current stats is a whole number
my current stats amount is 84.75 ,which is rounded to 84 and i have an xp penalty of 25%, so is the 0.75 factor neglected cause at 85% it gives 105% or am i receiving more than 25% penalty now?
the 0.75 from sum of faction skill levels is rounded down. 1 faction skill level gives 0.25 point, so if you gain a faction skill level in any faction, you will get bumped up to 85 stats and therefore 100+% penalty

you should still be receiving 25% penalty
The formula is in the page

Points calculation formula: [sum of parameters from all guilds] + [sum of faction skill levels]*0.25 (rounded down) + [sum of parameters from the maximum faction skill (taking into account the possible use of a faction potion)], the Initiative parameter is considered 0.5 points.

it doesn't round down 84.75 to 84 like you think.

if you get a TG level and all levels stay the same, you will get 84.5, and then you'll get 65% penalty you want.

overall not very complicated, i recommend english tuition to brush up on comprehension or math lessons to understand PEMDAS
Galthran knows more than what your 20 iq brain can comprehend.
still higher than you 15iq brain
your elo in duel and gb with 250% pumping - 1146,1405 bwhahaha, talking about iq
ok guys pls relax
ok then explain my eofo iq
Galthran, this man looks down on people with lower elo than him. this is info for future responders of his posts, he thinks you're beneath him. I guess only slayer and rengar can talk to him
this man looks down on people with lower elo than him
only to clowns like you
i don't know man, i think you're the clown bragging about elo you gained from being pumped, 0 elo gained from skills
This is a lovely thread
I guess only slayer and rengar can talk to him
No, both of them have lower ELO than him :P

for Ridrich:
for Galthran:
My current stats total to 102.5 and +127% exp penalty. If I get LeG 14 (+0.5 more stats), how much penalty would I then face? The page at Daily shows next pumping at 103.5 stats so just curious what will be the penalty at 103
it will be 161%

there is another way to check using the link below:

sorting by parameters, we can find players with 103 points such as darkman6666 and find their corresponding additional penalty at the side
or just (127+195)/2
for Sage Jiraiya: game too boring to be a sweaty tryhard all the time.. have to artificially lower my elo by playing elf sometimes. basically auto lose faction XD
sorting by parameters, we can find players with 103 points such as darkman6666 and find their corresponding additional penalty at the side
This is useful, thank you! :)

game too boring to be a sweaty tryhard all the time.. have to artificially lower my elo by playing elf sometimes. basically auto lose faction XD
I think you lying :P

Jk, ELO isn't a good factor to decide who is a good player and who isn't. The Top 15 people in that list on Daily have a healthy win% of over 70, then scroll down and you see people with win% in 50s have 1500+ ELO too so yeah, that's stupid.
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